Elon Musk and Twitter: How not to lead a business | The Bottom Line

The richest man alive has bought Twitter and is bending it to his will. But Elon Musk is not the only billionaire who has a huge impact on society – they all do.

That’s why people are fascinated by the world’s top business leaders.

But is media hype to blame as well? Former CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, was also a media darling for years before the collapse of his company.

And what traits mark the difference between a successful CEO and a disastrous leader?

Host Steve Clemons talks to management gurus Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, professor of management at Yale University, and Vivek Wadhwa, a technology entrepreneur.

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47 thoughts on “Elon Musk and Twitter: How not to lead a business | The Bottom Line”

  1. Yes, and KylieJenner became a billionaire at 20 years old selling only lip products w/her collagen-injected thin-azz lips. She got a pimpmother working w/Forbes.

    Please tell us more and Morelies

  2. If you can't do it…teach it. This is one of the many reasons college is a scam. Some guy who can't even run a business telling you that the richest man in the world is doing it wrong

  3. The professors" and presenters' combined net worth is probably below the sink Elon walked into Twitter HQ with. Yet they are discussing how the richest man on the planet is having fun with his money.

  4. Typical warped left-wing propaganda. They will seek to marginalize anyone who disagrees with them. I subscribed to Al Jazeera to watch objective news programs. My mistake — unsubscribing now.

  5. I've been quite unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it's the best time to get started on the market. i was at a seminar and the host spoke about making over $972,000 within 3 Months with a capital of $200,000.

  6. Elon Musk seems to be doing just fine. The media really hates the idea of potentially losing control of the greater narrative. Censorship days on one of the biggest social media platforms are over, and ordinary citizens should all rejoice about that fact. This is a win for freedom of speech and democracy. Cancelling and slandering people for not agreeing with them is called bigotry. This is not about left vs. right or good vs. evil. It's about allowing people to think for themselves and be able to engage in constructive debate even if they have different views. Democracy dies the moment diversity of thinking dies. You can't silence people you don't agree with. It's really that simple.

  7. Russia ans China self destructing?🤣 Lmao currently they got the best leader of all their history. This talkshow is base on dellusion, worst the guest lives on the clouds, delussion complex.😂🤣

  8. All these woke old folks a not just happy for speech to be truly free. They preferred the old ways where free speech is measured by the woke liberal biased standards. Hurt because they are not in control – period.

    Why didn't they address the ills of the platform prior to Musk take over and the corrections he's making to fix that? Weren't people censored unfairly on the platform? Wasn't there political meddling in the censorship decision of the platform?

  9. Decades ago Al Jazeera was a good news media. Now it's like rest of MSM. And this video: Full of nonsense. One who think is God is the Californian guy himself, he speaks as an world saver.

  10. So sorry narrative gets in the way intellect. I love people who have never built anything in their lives criticizing a man who has built SpaceX, Tesla, Bore Company, etc. Do you think he may know a few things and have plans that are probably beyond your ability to understand. Plus an army of professionals to help. Fast balls going right past ya.

  11. It's so weird seeing boys in men's bodies looking for their daddys in Elon Musk while Elon Musk looks for his own daddy in material success. It's like a religious cult of boys abandoned by their fathers.

  12. Zero – Sympathy for oligarchs: especially Elon Musk- the biggest Fraud of the first 22 years of the 21st Century- Musk the republican rage grievance hysteric .
    A diabolical nut case. 🇺🇸🦖☄️

  13. Interesting. Lots of the people who wrote Musk up tirelessly are now watching in dismay (and distancing themselves as fast as they can) as he dances around the dumpster fire that Twitter has become. Which he kindled and carefully made larger and larger. Twitter currently is a bit like Rome burning at the behest of Nero, and it makes one wonder how much of the Musk myth will survive.


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