Elemental Court: Shmugolost

Represent: Curse

Gender: Male

Sound: Tribe Sound

How do he play: his underlings (those masks) sing

Bio: You thought there were just 12, oh nonono there’s actually one more monster. This unknown monster’s name Shmugoloste and he’s the curse caretaker. He’s a dangerous demon wanted to take over the universe. I explained that Freektine is a split up monster and this half is the most evil. Wanted to use their powers for chaos and destruction for they believe they were born it be evil and cause nothing but darkness. Of course, tried try to do good, but it always came to a disaster, even went he tried to fix it. That was when he decided to leave the elementals and were never seen again. After time, more and more dark power consumed him and ever time their power are use the more evil he becomes. That was when angecloss came from the spirit realm to stop this madness. Also, he couldn’t control his powers, so he just accept it and do nothing about it. When all the elementals arrived at the scene to see what was happening, it was too late. With all of the elementals power they sealed him in a prison and his been there for ever since. Of course, at the time they valued a plan to escape to finish what they started and with the help with his underlings they’re ready to cause more destruction once again.


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