Elden Ring (dunkview)

You think this game is crazy? Wait till you play Elden Wing.

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25 thoughts on “Elden Ring (dunkview)”

  1. I completely agree, they felt the game should be hard but they made it feel cheap, as dunky says the difficulty is not earned and its a shame because everything else about that game shines of creative passion.

  2. Definitely agreed. I absolutely love Elden Ring, possibly my favorite game ever so far, but the amount of damage enemies do and how much health they have in the late game areas is kind of insane. Not really sure what the best solution is, but they definitely need to rebalance it in some way.

  3. I have to disagree with the weapon upgrade system comment. Miner's bell bearings are easy to find early on (up to +12 for normal and +4 for somber), and it gives you plenty of flexibility to upgrade any weapon you like. They even reduced the cost in patch 1.03 to make it more accessible, plus eased the difficulty of the fallingstar beast for the first somber bell bearing. Once you realize that leveling your weapons is as, and sometimes more, important as leveling your character the true experimentation and fun begins. Just watch Oroboro and his crazy pvp builds to see the variety of weapons you can make viable.

    Everything else you hit the nail in the head though!

  4. Dunkey is pretty spot on with this. The game is AMAZING until the last 15% where you are punished for everything you've done up to that point. I was forced into a full respec into another class entirely just to finish the game without losing my mind.

  5. I 100% agree… Damage feels to high with some of the bosses. And crafting/weapon smithing is stingy. And God damn PvP. Idk how many times PvP players have basically tried to hold me hostage in a server, or try to cheese the invasion system to try and get free runes by hiding. Also Blood loss is straight busted. But its all hell of a fun game.

  6. This game steers you towards int, faith cuz all the bullshit and cool moves come from those weapons. But worst of all is trying to play with your friends, so many error messages when trying to summon friends

  7. I beat this game once but that's enough for me. Radagon took me over 3 hours probably because the first phase is so fucking bullshit, the only thing that ended up working for me is cheese him with mimic tear +10 and using the right weapon so that the mimic is as OP as possible and then burn him the fuck down AS SOON as possible, because Radagon in his 2nd phase (not elden beast, but radagons own 2nd phase) can literally one tap you off the map any time it wishes just kind of depending on the RNG of his moveset. Only boss worse is Melania basically but at least she is optional. The enemy damage in this game is a meme. Way too high.

    And the other thing in this game, the balance between spellcasters and melee…. spellcasters are completely and utterly BROKEN for a lot of the fights while melee has to struggle bus through it. Then there are some magic resistant fights where melee gets the advantage but those are few and far between.

  8. What?
    The enemy balancing is awesome and fair (except Maliketh, fuck this dude. Had to try 5 times to kill him due to attacking through those gigantic pillars in his area where I thought i was safe…).

    They are made to be easy for souls veterans (i can confirm, game is easy as hell when you finished all other souls games + nioh 1&2)
    Fair & challenging for advanced souls players
    and hard for beginners…
    But even those beginners can quickly learn and adapt to the games idea. Just don't rush, analyse the area, the situation, play around with weapons and spells and you can do that. Just don't give up! Don't stop playing Elden Ring! It's an awesome experience, please please don't give up… you'll miss 2022's GOTY if you do…

    So yeah, this time I can't go with you and say the game is hard. It depends on your experience and your adaptivity.


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