Capturing a Va'ruun Prophesy III

These aren’t as common to spot dropping out of the sky as the Bayonet or a Crimson Fleet Wright III, even so I see them often enough I have captured five or six at least. Used to build big ships though these days of minimalizing the Prophesy offers some good starting Class C parts and a lot of vendible parts to help reduce the building cost of one of my Arachnid variants. If you want one of these ship I see them a lot on the planet where I picked this up. Just hop around and explore a little. Likely you too will see one drop out of the sky after a while of landing here and there and taking short strolls. Normally I see them drop shortly after touching down in my ship, getting out and soon there after I will hear something landing. Sometimes it is one of these ships. Clearing the ship is good FPS action and the occupants can be challenging.


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