EDEN PROJECT Satisfactory Update 8 – Lumen Addition

EDEN PROJECT Satisfactory Update 8 – Lumen Addition Read More Below Today we’re checking out Stin Archi’s Eden Project …


19 thoughts on “EDEN PROJECT Satisfactory Update 8 – Lumen Addition”

  1. Hey there! As soon as mods become available in U8, you will be able to use the FicsitCam mod. Instead of using the integrated camera mode, the mod allows you to create custom camera paths with depth of field and time lapses. The best thing by far is that it renders the game at max settings frame by frame. This means that if you're not actively walking through the factory, you can have camera shots at up to 1440p/60fps.

  2. Stin is a genius, I don't think anyone comes close (no offence!) He convinced me to try and work around the terrain instead of just looking for flat bit.
    While watching his vids I came to the conclusion Satisfactory is as much a architecture building game as it is a factory production line. I almost feel now that the total number of items produced is irrelevant, as long as the location looks amazing.

  3. Total: Love the adjectives you use to describe this. This has got to be one of the most aesthetic, well-planned and executed build to date in any game in any genre.
    6:45 Notice the gigantic Mark-2 conveyor belt decor.

  4. This map is what inspired me to try and keep a lot of the nature around my builds and try and include it in the designs. Granted, I lack the imagination it seems to come even close to the ideas that are shown off. in these builds. I do wonder how my own map looks with lumen, sadly the setting just nukes my GTX 950 and turns the game into a heck of an acid trip as the cards crashing.

  5. The artistry and imagination is peerless.. lumen makes Satisfactory almost look like a different game – and all this without mods, in vanilla Experimental!
    Amazing, Stin. Bloody well done, chap. Keep inspiring us 🙂

  6. In the future if you want to produce high quality cinematics using Lumen on a hard to run save, your best bet is to use Unreal's console commands to slow down the timescale, record your video at like 10fps but at 10% speed, then you can speed it up in post production for a nice smooth video.

  7. To be honest, I find it difficult to tell what advantage Lumen has over the default lighting. Lumen seems to cast much harsher shadows and more intense light, so factories that aren't designed with this in mind seem to suffer for it. In other words, I think this factory looks good because it's a beautiful build, not necessarily because Lumen elevates it. But a few thingn here and there (like the conveyor belt lights reflecting off the back wall, and the lights behind the elevator) definitely benefit from the darker indoor environments.


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