eBay Talk – Are Small Resellers in Trouble? – Your Q&A

Anyone out there watch the Superbowl? Anyone see an eBay advertizement? Neither did I. What I did see was multiple ads from …


29 thoughts on “eBay Talk – Are Small Resellers in Trouble? – Your Q&A”

  1. Remember when eBay paid some kid 75 million for Milo, which never happened, back in 2010? How about one commercial to take some Amazon business away? There’s plenty of new items on eBay for less and these customers would help flippers too. Sales are slow.

  2. Temu is cheap crap from China. Bought 2.00 item from them before Christmas. A craft item. I was then smothered with emails from them. I unsubscribed. It was insane the amount if emails I got from them. Ebay should have done commercials too. Etsy has handmade items along with other stuff antiques vintage and home decor. Temu does not sell the good stuff. But cheap crap.

  3. Lately I am constantly getting ads on youtube for poshmark, most likely because I am on the app so much, but it did get me wondering if other people are getting those ads and if it is contributing to sales there.

  4. Have bought things off Temu just because I know it’s cheap but cheaper than the ebay equivalent Chinese sellers. But if it dosn’t work etc you get an instant refund. The constant pop ups do drive me drive mad though. But that would not stop me buying quality items off eBay. With Temu, you know what your getting, with eBay you have Chinese sellers putting uk in the location box and still the time scale for delivery of the Chinese. Not to mention fake goods. I bought a belt and it cracked and split after a months wear. Looked like leather. Described as leather so I reported it. First time I have ever done that in 14yrs. I would never buy shoes, beauty products, electrical off Temu but craft boxes and dog bits are ok.

  5. Temu is pronounced that way because it is “Tempt You”. It is the same stuff that Amazon has and EBay has and stores all over. It is 49 cents on there and $3 at a store, for an example. Things are 25-90% less than anywhere else. They have the same things on there that is sold on Amazon. It has taken away money from sellers, just like Whatnot has. People go on there because it’s cheap and Whatnot out of excitement and then they don’t have money left for EBay. There is, nothing we can do about it except list better stuff. Things change. Temu sells just about everything.

  6. I have bought from TEMU but it's different merch than Ebay. Ebay is missing the mark not advertising. I've ONLY heard 3 ads for ebay in the last few years- it was on our local radio station in a rural area and was specifically only for "ebay motors". Then I saw I think ONE ad for ebay maybe on youtube and it was for luxury items focused on the "verification" program. That's IT. Where's their ads for collectibles, for how you can buy missing parts and supplies for items? That's one of the things I use eBay for. Like, I needed a replacement cord for something- found it on ebay, I bought a use game and it was missing a part, found it on eBay, a lid for a pyrex? Found it on ebay! They're totally missing the mark here!

  7. Oh and I've made ONE sale since February 9th. I'm going gangbusters listing, I'm an "everything" seller, I have stuff all over the place, in so many categories and price ranges. I did use FLYP to crosspost stuff a few days ago and it got glitchy on me but I may try again today. I have about 200 items crossposted- I put a few items on Etsy- I don't have much there yet, but I think it's a good market for the higher priced more appealing vintage items, I have some hats and clothing on Posh, I put some toys and basic household on Mercari, and I put just about anything on FBMP- I used to get quite a few sales from FBMP but that's been a huge dud probably for the last 6 months or so. Last two days I picked up again on my nothingburger Instagram. I learned to ad music to posts and I'm adding hashtags. So far nothing, but I think it's better than doing NOTHING.

  8. 22:43 Jon that is not a valid excuse for NOT promoting/advertising the ENTIRE site as a whole not just the focused categories because ebay as you have pointed out on a few videos has MONEY back guarantee on all items NOT Just the focused categories like you stated the money is not yours until 30 days after the item arrives ANY buyer can get there money back so them to make the excuse there only advertising there focused categories because they have SAFE Guards in place is Totally false and bogus Just like all the invalid excuses they use every quarterly earnings call as to the issue with there company and site they blame everything under the sun except for THE ONE true thing they need to blame and that is themselves as in AA you cant get past step one without admitting you have a problem if ebay was in AA they would not have past step one yet

  9. I found out today that the website isn't quite ready for the new feature that everyone will hate. I also wanted to add that I was the victim of a scammer returned yesterday. I suspected it when the buyer sent me a picture of the item he was returning even though the picture wouldn't have established whether it was working or not. Instead of returning the new unit I had sold the buyer sent me his old heavily used non-functional unit. Fortunately eBay refunded him out of their funds and allowed me to keep the funds from the sale. However we all hate this as buyers never learn a lesson. I have heard that eventually they will block the buyers from initiating returns but I'm not sure how much I believe that to be true.

  10. I'm at the point that I can't pay my bills and buy inventory too. It's been like this for several months now. All I can do is keep reworking listings and end/sell similar. Today is Tues. and I haven't had a sale since Sat. This can't continue. I'm just barely meeting my obligations. It's easy to say just list more when ya have a cash flow. All I have done lately is cut my return by lowering prices, increase promoted, and lower shipping rates to try to get a sale. I'm all out of options, EBAY!

  11. A question about tree cat: will it de-list bundle sales for Poshmark. That has been the issue, where other programs de-list a single sale item, but if the customer buys a bundle of items, they won’t. So that would be a game changer for treecat.


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