Dust 2 Dustier Open Mic Reaction Roast |Tampon Daniels| Degenerate Behavior |

That’s right folks! Do you have a Dusty and/or Bandit you’d like to discuss? Come to the stage and bring a link. Let’s have some fun!
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:46 The Pot Calling the Kettle Black – Asia Wilkerson
00:09:41 Preference Karens are on the Rise
00:16:45 Black Men Bowing instead of Leading by T-Salt
00:32:52 Angry BIracial Breaks it down Dustiness
00:45:42 Tampon Daniels Reaction
02:12:32 Outro


7 thoughts on “Dust 2 Dustier Open Mic Reaction Roast |Tampon Daniels| Degenerate Behavior |”

  1. I can’t stand that dude. Loud, arrogant and wrong. He’s garbage and I hate that people listen to him. Have a lying narc like Trump as President opened the floodgates for these creatures. They realized as long as they sound confident and double down on their lies, people will fall for it.

  2. These so-called leaders of the black manosphere are really being exposed. From Kevin Samuels, Anton Daniels, Roger Allan Currie to Derek Jackson. It is always the same game. The image they portray is the complete opposite of reality. They lie a lot, they project a lot, they want women to submit to them, yet their talk doesn't match reality. They are financially broke as hell. And when life events happen, their next in kind need GoFundMes and charities to survive.
    Yet they call this Leadership.


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