Drukhari in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition – Full Index Rules Review + Datasheets

Let’s talk about the Drukhari in 40K 10th edition with an overview of their index, datasheets and all things Dark Eldar…

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0:00 Intro
0:42 Drukhari in 10th
3:11 Power from Pain
7:05 Realspace Raiders
8:07 Stratagems
12:36 Enhancements
17:05 Allies Rules
19:29 Datasheets
23:09 Battle Line Units
27:20 Squads
37:18 Fly Vehicles
44:08 Pain Engines
46:56 Characters
51:51 Epic Heroes
56:53 Army List Ideas
59:57 Outro


20 thoughts on “Drukhari in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition – Full Index Rules Review + Datasheets”

  1. Excellent overview.

    It's a right pain trying to come up with DE lists that don't look like they will melt under enemy shooting. I thinking creating a list designed to get an unassailable victory point advantage before they are wiped out may be the best way forward. Mandrakes for secondaries and forward pressure to disrupt the opponents early victory point game (Lilith with watches and beastpacks) combines with MSU shooting (lance spam). It's not pretty but it may have a chance.

  2. i've read some arguments that with how the 'declare battle formations' step is worded, you can split a squad in a venom and a raider, and then add the court to the squad in the Raider to allow them to fit, but then the buffs dont go as far so its a double edged sword

  3. Can someone explain this
    If a model has both Invulnerable save and Feel no pain- can I use both? as in: I fail normal save, I fail invul save & then I use and save it with feel no pain.
    Is that valid??
    Can't for the life of me find it anywhere written that it can't or can.

  4. I will never not respect the Archon's shadowfield save. My first game as Drukhari was against Imperial Knights. He survived 20 attacks from Canis Rex before the field gave out. 20. I will never be able to do that again but the image of this guy just lightly dusting himself off after Canis unloads into him with his fist for a couple fight phases will stay with me for awhile.

  5. i started playing drukhari in 9th edition – some thoughts
    – the detachment rule is worse than the 25pt art of pain enhancement
    – there are only 4 units that can ever use the prey on the weak strategem – the archon, kabalite warriors, and the court of the archon (which is really 1 unit), and the ravager. by the way the ravager gets a bonus for shooting at things that ARE at max strength. and the archon's unit rerolls hits and wounds against everything for a pain token.
    – no way to generate CP so it's impossible to use strike and fade on turn 1 if you go first 🙂
    – the strats are terrible
    – most of the best units are just as good if not better in ynnari
    – the best units by FAR are the ravager and scourge
    – the beastmaster also has the beasts keyword so he can go right through ruins.
    – an archon + court of the archon + 5 warriors (splinter rifles) while the 5 special weapons run around in a venom, is interesting and pretty dangerous. lethal hits + full rerolls is quite a combo
    – wyches, incubi, and hellions are among the worst units in the entire game
    – reavers are 70 pts for very fast moving OC6. ignore the rest of the rules (though the heat lance is really good in ynnari)
    – deep strike on transports + rapid ingress is very strong
    – 2 venoms can be used to split kabalite squads in half and then put both sets of special weapons into a raider to make ravager #4 and a really good fire & fade target
    – holy fuck the tantalus is so cool – use 3 venoms and fill the tantalus with triple dark lance/blaster etc
    – the voidraven is actually good – both scythes and lances are viable
    – lelith is like 95% as effective on her own as she is leading a squad of wyches. she and the succubus would both be great if wyches were good
    – well done to the winner of ratcon but this was an event where objectives could move randomly out from under people . . .

  6. I played Dark Eldar my first time in warhammer. And would love to play them again, but the only even remotely viable lists I ever see played is just like nothing but Dark Lance spam packing as many as possible into a list. Just seems ultra narrow if you don't want to get plowed.

  7. If Drukhari follow the 5 detachments in a Codex trend what can we expect to see? Realspace Raiders, a detachment for each of the subgroups? What would be the fifth? Currently, Ynnari kind of have taken some of the mojo away from Dark Eldar as both get powers through death and are very mobile.

    I wouldn't mind seeing a mechanic where Drukhari can deal themselves damage or use the hazardous key word on select datasheets to turbo charge their shooting/attacks. I think Drukhari should have stronger ways to force or play around with battleshock. That would be some real power from pain.

    Some new models would also be much appreciated currently there isn't much in the way of a centrepiece model.

  8. I have a large Drukhari collection and it's my only 40k army. Tbh, I've been playing One Page Rules grimdark instead of 40k and it's been really fun. I've been enjoying the i-go-you-go activations, faster games, no treadmil to keep buying/painting, model flexibility, terrific army builder app, and free rules. Would recommend

  9. GW employee 1: "Huh, looks like no-one took Kabal centered lists in 9th edition, only Witch Cult and Haemonculous Coven themed lists. We clearly need to re-balance the army/ make the Kabal gunboat style viable again. We could also do with making Ynnari allies work/ have really good synergies with the gunboats too."

    GW employee 2 says "Yeah we do have a billion Kabalite warrior kits lying around unsold in the warehouse. Nobody buys the individual kits anymore 'cos Warriors always come in the Starter box-sets for Drukhari 'for free'. Plus in 9th we made it so you only ever needed 2 squads of 5 chumps at most, just to sit around on home objectives and do Secondary missions etc."

    GW employee 1: "Yeah the Warriors couldn't do any real damage 'cos you could only take 1 special weapon And our rules writing meant Witches and Haem Covens just always overshadowed them. They were always the star of the show."

    GW employee 2 : "Yeah that's what happens when you release a mini supplement book for Witches and Haem Covens each, giving 'em absolutely busted rules forcing tournament players to skew their lists if they wanna stay top dog."

    GW employee 1: "Yeah my bad. I got a little overexcited when writing those books. To be fair I did get told by management to make 'em as 'pay-to-win' as possible to drive up sales of the new Wrack and Lelith models when they came out in plastic. Not my decision mind, I'm just doing my job."

    GW employee 2 "Yeah I hope management doesn't force us to do that again. It's a real shame 'cos you had a lot of fun working on those books. You loved making making new rules and new flavour text for the units in those books."

    GW emplyee 1: "Yeah I know, I really really love Drukhari. I'm really passionate about them and all. But yeah, I'm looking forward to redressing the balance and making Gunboat Kabal lists good again."

    GW employee 2: "Yeah you're definitely the best person to do the job. You know them really well, you've collected them since 3rd edition, gave them the refresh in 2011. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them in 10th Edition."

    GW employee 1: "Yeah me too. Should take me a few months of rigorous playtesting to do it, but if I'm given enough time and management don't make any stupid decisions, I'm fairly confident I can make Kabals good without accidentally nerfing the Witches and Haemonculous Covens. The last thing I want is to make them unplayable just to boost sales of the Kabal Warrior Kit."

    [[[ a GW Manager then burts through the wall into the room 'cool-aid' man style ]]]


    GW employee 1: "I don't understand, wait, what?"


    GW employee 1: "But Sir! Drukhari alone will take months of rigorous playtesting to get the balance right between Kabals and Witch Cu-"


  10. I had a game that went so perfectly with every tactic playing off well and my Drukhari still couldn’t take the win, that’s when I knew they’re broken. The whole codex will need an overhaul to make it not a horde army

  11. The Drukhari situation is dire but not hopeless. The pain token mechanic is sound and there is hope that GW can fix the list. If feels like this Index was amongst the last to be written and all the good ideas went to our cousins.

    GW needs to do the following:

    1. Finish writing the index:
    Archon should be able to lead Incubi (would make a change from Drazhar)
    Haemonculus should be able to lead Grotesques
    Archon 's power should be usuable from within a transport because Drukhari are Space Pirates at heart and come with their Space Pirate Ship (aka the Raider) so the rules should factor this.

    2. Fix the Incubi and the Wyches
    Incubi should be S5 native
    Wyches need Lethal Hit native
    Bring back Wych weapons to give them some options (something like anti-Monster which would be topical as they are supposed to fight in arenas)

    3. Fix the transport tax
    Drukhari fight from transports and transports have become a point sink for them because a) they are too weak for their point cost (the Starweaver has a 4++) and b) they don't hit hard enough to make their point cost worthwhile. Either you reduce their cost drastically or you boost their invul to 5+ and give them a better melee profile. Also, let's bump the Raider to the Ravager stat lines because 2 differents stat lines for two models that looks the same is just a source of confusion.

    4. Fix the Kabalites.
    One of each means that you end up with a kabalite squad that is unfocused. It can deal with many targets but does not have enough to make a difference. Instead of one of each special/heavy weapon let the kabalites chose 2 between Dark Lance / Splinter Canon and 2 between Shredder / Blaster. You could better tailor the unit to its role as anti-armour (2xDL + 2XBlaster) or anti-infantry (2xSC + 2x Shredder + Splinter Riffles). That could also make a nice differenciation between run of the mill Kabalites and Trueborns which have first pick in the armory if you are afraid this is too powerful. It would make Scourges less of an auto-include.

    5. Misc.
    Fix grotesques and wracks which are not tough enough / deadly enough for their point costs. Grotesque should be less tough than a termie (because faster movement) but not behind much.
    Transform Reavers or Helion in an anti-bike role because we don't have anything to deal with bikes though we are supposed to be a speed freak faction which is weird.
    Bring down the cost of Talos


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