Dream Premonitions with Christopher Robinson

Christopher Robinson is coauthor of a book about his own experiences, titled Dream Detective. He has been the subject of a documentary called Premonition Man. His work is also featured in the book, The G.O.D. Experiments, by psychologist Gary Schwartz. His ability to dream of future events has been the subject of both scientific and journalistic investigation.

Here he describes UFO sightings in his early life as well as a near-death experience, during a heart attack at the age of 35, that seem to have catalyzed his unique ability to dream of future events – particularly terrorist attacks and other disasters. He describes his long history of working with British police and intelligence organizations. He also describes a number of specific, dramatic situations in which his premonitions proved uncannily accurate.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

(Recorded on November 25, 2022)

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36 thoughts on “Dream Premonitions with Christopher Robinson”

  1. Statement of Comment Etiquette for New Thinking Allowed

    You are asked to be courteous at all times to all participants, and to limit your comments to the topics discussed in the videos. Your thoughtful participation is encouraged. If you post insulting comments here or promote dubious conspiracy theories as if they were the absolute truth, you will be permanently banned from posting on this channel. Except however, if you still want to post an aggressively rude or off-topic comment (and haven't yet been banned from posting), go visit the monolog about George Carlin at https://youtu.be/e5MKv667TRI. Your nasty and/or arrogant comments will be accepted there, but not here.

  2. This is interesting, but Robinson is coy and elliptical and Mishlove doesn’t follow up with questions as he usually would to clarify some of the strange statements. From what Robinson says, it’s hard to distinguish whether he’s talking about psychic/paranormal functioning or working as a patsy for various government agencies due to his being entrenched in the criminal underworld. I wish Jeffrey could have interjected more questions to shape and clarify the context of much of what Robinson relates.

  3. I remember redifusion with the dial on the wall.
    His voice is so familiar, Im not sure if I've saw him on telly years ago.
    Yvonne Fletcher? Who was murdered.
    I love the symbolic information he gets.
    I understand about the dog theme.
    Cups are people because we are all vessel's.
    Because he's had contact with them, its opened him up to the psychic world.
    We've witnessed short bursts of light like a streak in the sky when asking if they were there which weren't meteorites.
    Absolutley Brilliant, Thankyou to you both.🌹

  4. I have had two dreams that I know were lucid/prophetic/ odd and whatever they were, they weren’t normal dreams. In fact, the longer time passed, the more I remembered. I still remember every detail. It was crisp. Pixelated. I was there for sure. I think I was actually there.

    The first was related to the Pope. The minute he passed, I was on my way to Rome for the first time. Anyways. Long story. Wont get into this one.

    This second dream that has me worried happened in 2020. I was on the deck of a titanic like spaceship. Going 800 miles or even faster on water. I was the only passenger on the deck. The sky was full of stars. I looked at the stars and asked “ what’s going on?? What’s reality? Where are we headed?” The sky then talked to me. Some male voice said “ don’t u know???? It’s all holograms. Watch”. Then the space ship slowed down and I saw land. It was still dark. But I was shown scenes of indigenous people around fire. Inuits. Then indigenous people in Africa. Scenes kept changing.

    It reminded me of a train in universal park studios I got on when I was a child. Scenes after scenes. I watched. Like a movie. Then suddenly I was dropped on land. It was early morning. Or early evening. Not sure. Snow was everywhere. I knew right then this was the future “scene”. I was surrounded by asian looking people. Everyone was Asian. Soldiers were pushing me and others. We saw dead and dying people everywhere. Bleeding on the snow. Bleeding from faces. Skin. I suddenly woke up. All I knew and I was so sure of this was that this was the future. And this was Central Asia. I later wondered if what I saw was nuclear war related injuries. Or Ebola??

    I did die as well. Had NDE. I went from an Athiest scientist to a very psychic person afterward, for ex, I taught myself astrology, something I mocked prior to my NDE, and I’m apparently really good at it. I don’t know how. Can’t explain.

  5. As an astrologer, I analyse 8th and 12th house, Neptune, Uranus, lunar nodes, and Pisces domains in order to figure out who are the people who are able to see prophetic dreams. When such folks get interesting rare transits to 8th/2nd or 12th/6th, then they may see even much more prophetic dreams. It’s all very fascinating. It’s basically access to matrix/simulation codes which such folks have an access to through a glitch probably, and deciphering them is another story. For that, I look into Pluto and scorpio configurations. Deciphering dreams in itself is another level capability.

    He said repairing television?? Uranus codes for electricity and UFOs among others. TV is coded by Neptune, so are any form of dreams … His Uranus/Aquarius/11th house must be very very interesting. Wonder if he has strong Neptune/Uranus Pisces /12th house connections.

  6. I just see this as meaningless parlor tricks, really. What real value is there in his so- called abilities? Yet, Diana still died, 911 still happened and the bomb on that bus still detonated. Soooo… what's the catch?

  7. The time between the dream and its 'fulfillment' is crucial as well as the dream itself. How you relate to the dream after having it can determine how things will play out.

  8. I dreamt when I was 9 about my last life, about my wife, the death of my young son, my own murder by my wife Amanda. Funny thing is I lived in Middlesboro KY when I had these dreams and my future wife, Amanda, (again), also lived there that summer even though she's from 500 miles north. We ended up meeting years later when we were 14, she dated my cousin for 2 years long distance and we became best friends. We lost touch for a long time and I had made a Facebook profile in 2016 that I forgot the password to the next day. So last year I remembered it and when I logged in I had a message from her. I replied, we finally met in person after 15 years and we're married 3 months later. She is my best friend and soul mate. And she shot me in our last life. Didn't make me stop loving her. This is her YouTube..

  9. Fascinating! I've been keeping a video diary of my dreams for 12 months now since I discovered Quantum Jumping. I learn a lot in my dreams. Currently, I'm learning Lenormand to strengthen my psychic abilities. It's a great system.

  10. Before I start watching this . I want to say I am here because my premonitions are now happening on a daily basis . More and more frequent . They happen when I am awake . Although I have been dreaming nearly every night opposed to not dreaming for years and years . I am here for my premonitions I have while I am awake for now .

  11. What a fascinating interview I can't wait to hear more of Mr Robinson biography. For some reason he reminds me of the Griffin character in MIB 3 at times during the interview I felt like giving him a big hug.


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