Do You Remember The Carousel Mall in San Bernardino?

The Carousel Mall, also known as Central City Mall, was a mixed-use two-story shopping mall located in San Bernardino, California, along the city’s former main downtown street. The mall opened in 1972 and officially closed in 2017. The mall has been abandoned since 2017 with plans for demolition at the end of 2022.


31 thoughts on “Do You Remember The Carousel Mall in San Bernardino?”

  1. "Why didn't you ever go to the Carousel Mall?" "If you go to a McDonald's in a city where they have security glass and bars in front of the cash registers? I am not going to a mall in that same city."

  2. For many years on trips to California, staying with my Aunt, Uncle & cousins in San Bernardino, we'd go to Inland Center Mall, then we used to go to Central City instead, apparently IC ended up not being a good place to go to, so that's why my aunt liked going to Central City instead!!

  3. That area has always been SKETCH. I went to Uni at CSUSB and worked along E street in another lifetime ago with a large window looking out toward the mall. Lots of crazy stuff went down. I hope the city can take care of the property and turn it into something nice.

  4. I used to see the Carousel Mall whenever my family and I would travel up and down I-215. I always wanted to check it out; but my family would always do our shopping in malls/shopping centers in Riverside or Moreno Valley.

  5. Spent LOTS of time there during the Central City days…Was a bit older when the carousel went in and it seemed a bit late (and lame) to save it. NEVER saw or had anything sketchy about it until I had moved away and got the reputation. I'd go to the huge Carl's Jr. then walk across to Millers Outpost and pick me up a Spuds McKenzie tee shirt. The Harris' had a restaurant on the upper level that always seemed was for "grown ups"

  6. I was stationed at Norton AFB from 1990 to 1994 when the base closed. When we first arrived in SB it was still Cenral City, but changed to Carousel soon after. My wife and I were all of 21 yrs old and we would take our 3yo daughter there every so often to shop, hang out, and of course ride the carousel. Its sad to see some of the times and places that hold these memories come to an end.

  7. Hello this is David reavely me and my mom we have been there quite a few times I road the carousel and I have been there since it was central city Mall and when I was there when it got changed to carousel Mall

  8. Yeah I was born in San Bernardino, CA and I remember that mall I went there a lot. I moved to Washington State but visited the mall in 2005 and saw how things had already went down hill I also heard how San Bernardino went down hill as well.

  9. If I recall, it had a orange juilius in it back in the mid 80s. I was at home sick in the 5th grade and recall my mom taking to the mall to get some things and we ate there.

  10. In 96 you said the mall was looking empty that because the Ontario mills mall a few miles east had just opened that year. It was a much bigger mall with a large gameworks arcade. Dave & busters. Improve & 2 large multiplex theaters


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