iPhone 15 Pro & 15 Pro Max Review: More Than Meets The Eye

It’s my in-depth review of the new iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max. If you don’t like the design, there’s a whole lot more to this …


22 thoughts on “iPhone 15 Pro & 15 Pro Max Review: More Than Meets The Eye”

  1. Y’all can’t be serious… “I really like the camera quality of the 15.”

    Shuuuut the front dooooor.
    They’re ALL the same quality. UNLESS you pixel pinch.
    I’m an Apple fan boy but let’s be real here lmao.
    Don’t buy nothing this guys trying to sell if he gonna dead ass lie

  2. Brian! Thank you for this. I am very tempted to jump to the 15 pro from my 12 mini.. Do you think the larger optical zoom from the max will be available in the standard size pro next year? I am not a max user, but definitely want the best zoom and am wiling to wait a year.

  3. I ordered the iPhone 15 Pro Max. It hasn’t come yet should I return it because I heard it overheats and it cracks easily and also if I keep it should I get AppleCare plus I didn’t get it because my phones usually never break.


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