Do we really have free will?

What about God’s will?

If he has a divine plan before the foundations of the world, then how can we have free will?

What does the Bible tell us?

2012FEB26 – Q&A-09

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24 thoughts on “DO WE HAVE FREE WILL?”

  1. Storms will hit and time shall pass away, always try to keep it cool and don’t linger it up with your investment. Proud to say that I’m a living testimony, earning over 24,000 usd every month ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Pope asks Protestants for forgiveness for persecution
    By Philip Pullella
    January 25, 20161:53 PM ESTUpdated 8 years ago

    Revelation 13:11-12 KJV
    And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. [12] And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

    Prophecy is set; Apostate Protestant America; secret rapture false prophets will restrict religious liberty of the Remnant Church Rev 12:17, 14:12 as Papacy did to Protestant Churches in dark ages, killing 50 million Christians Dan 7:21, Rev 13:7, 17:6. Dan 12:1, Remnant Church will be delivered, God will preserve them through time of trouble.

  3. I just shared this message yesterday at my sunrise AA meeting, (Florida) but i just heard this video this morning! No wonder my faith in Him is great. I love my Teacher and you John for sharing the Word. I'm never lost or alone. Thank you Father.

  4. Romans 8:9 NLT – "But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.)"

  5. I believe we have “Free Choice” but not “Free Will” there is only 1 will that is Gods you either choose it or choose satan. We have no will of our own. You’re either with him or against him. Its that simple, make your CHOICE!! 🙏

  6. Pastor: Question:

    How effective would be the following for Prayer. Targeted Prayer. Writing down your prayers then reciting them while recording them for a full 8 hours of solid prayer. Then playing these recordings out-loud in your house in the background. Never ceasing prayers that are audible. Imagine Millions of Believers doing this and Prayers are being prayed 24/7/365 all around the world constantly.

    Please let me have your thoughts?

  7. God never removed our free will, because it would deprive us of the choice to CHOOSE to love and follow Him. It's why we have a soul (compromising our mind, will and emptions) because we can get to experience a desire for Him. Had we been deprived of free will, we would also have been deprived of the experience that comes from choosing to love Him. And even in His mercies that are new everyday, there is a decision to CHOOSE Him over and over again. ❤

  8. I fully understand and agree with your sermon , but did God give Paul , the apostles, the Kings of Israel and other characters in the O/T and N/T free will or were they forced by the laws of Calvin ( Tulip ) to obey Gods orders on them . I’d love an answer please . God Bless

  9. Getting so tired of all the commercials you put into your teachings tell me if I'm wrong or not but you're the only reformed teacher that really is monetized so heavily I don't see so much wrong with that because you have to live but my goodness every 2 minutes there's a commercial that's a little over excessive don't you think

  10. Wow I just made a very gentle complaint about your monetization about every 2 minutes your video came on for like a minute or less and another commercial came up the previous commercial was some Financial stuff he went on for like 10 minutes ridiculous. I like your teachings and all but this is getting out of hand sir is the money you're focusing on or is it the word that you're getting out to people my goodness the most commercials I've ever seen in a video ever


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