Do or Don't: Orruk Warclans

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Are you mean? Are you green? Do you like mushrooms? Then these Or(ru)ks are the boyz for you.

0:00 – Intro
0:46 – NordVPN Sponsorship
3:35 – Background Lore
7:42 – Lore Pros
11:01 – Tabletop Pros
15:14 – Lore Cons
16:38 – Tabletop Cons
19:56 – Conclusion
20:30 – Gork AND Mork not Mork AND Gork


43 thoughts on “Do or Don't: Orruk Warclans”

  1. Okay but to posit a counterargument, it is only when you have built something that it becomes worth fighting over. If your shithole is just as shit as the shithole next door, why would you bother fighting about it?

  2. Green is appearantly a color of calmness. That's why so many things in schools are green, to help kids focus. It's a biological thing, green stuff were essentially our homes for millenia. So yeah, I don't get this "big, angry, green" trend either.

  3. Kruelboyz were my first army and I still love them. Even if you are not winning, they are always a joy on the battlefield. And they are more appealing to me in terms of design and behaviour than classic orks. Sneaky and cunning and being able to build stuff? Yes I like it

  4. Ork warclans is in my opinion in a pretty good position if you compare them to other armies cough fyreslayers cough because they have something for everyone and every subfaction is so distinct.
    Ironjaws lean into the classic ork aesthetic, bonesplittererz have the more whacky/comedic aspect of orks and kruelboyz(best orks btw) are for the people who want a more dark and sinister version.
    The only thing warclans needs is generic orks/greenskinz and goblins to act as a visual glue in the big waaagghhh army.
    Also we need a giant foot of gorkamorka endless spell

  5. I think the concept of “big mean and green” is derived from the fact that the subject is being framed in a manner as a “force of nature.” Like that it’s disposition to be a torrent of rage and anger.

  6. I gotta admit, the first few times I heard “Gordrakk”, I thought you were saying “Gortrek”, and I was left wondering “Wow, what happened to Gotrek to get him turned into an Ork??” immediately followed by “Wait, even after getting turned into the fightiest of races, Gotrek STILL can’t find an opponent worthy of killing him?? Poor guy….”


  7. I know you enjoy to meme on the copy right names, but a few of them are actually much better, orruks included, not orcs, not uruks but a nice sounding mix, Duardin especially is an improvement on dawi, it feels more solid and stoic rather than what the writers 2 year old decided to call a dwarf

  8. Me and my brothers are just getting into warhammer and my brother has chosen to make the "food fightaz" orks that realized how why should they choose between eatin and fightin so they fight with what they eat and eat what they fight

  9. I don't like the AoS lore for things but I must say that the new models are always so fucking cool.

    Bonus points for saying orks enough times for youtube to think you were talking about world of warcraft.

  10. Big fat f**** joints well anybody that smokes weed would say weeds not angry I say b***** you smoke weed so you don't get angry when you called medicine if you want whatever doesn't matter weeds green weeds angry f*** it try to grow it you'll get angry until you get good at it anyway


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