Do New World Servers have a Population Cap of 1000 Players?

There is a lot of concern and worry about a recent thread / rumour on Reddit, Twitter, that New Worlds Servers have a 1000 player cap on launch… Its not true, let me tell you why.

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Server population on launch might be similar to closed beta at around 1000 players.

Do New World Servers have a Population Cap of 1000 Players?
With New World being days away from launch and communities around the world voting on the server list to decide where they will call home on launch – you can imagine the pre-game anxiety is starting to get strong.

The latest concern is word spreading that severs will have a 1000 player limit on them and with multiple communities, guilds and streamer followings eclipsing this 1000 player limit many times over – people are starting to get worried.

I’m here to try calm things down and tell you two things:

1. Don’t worry about it, its all a misunderstanding and we will get into that in a moment.
2. Its easier than ever to keep track of all the servers, languages, world sets and what communities, guilds and streamers are doing thanks to my community resource – a one stop shop for all your info. I keep this updated and will do so up until launch then for the week or two afterward in case people wanna re-roll.

So this misunderstanding all stemmed from a couple things.

New World’s website has the following statement indicating you will be playing with over 1000 players on each server.

New World also tweeted this response to a player asking about server player caps – you will be adventuring with over 1000 other players.

It seems a bit of miscommunication and misunderstanding has taken place here as the key point was that OVER 1000 players will be on a server together at once.

This has sparked a discussion talking about the pros and cons around having such a small server population cap are, what the ideal server population number might be and how the population can be managed moving forwards with added content patches, expansions, managing new player experience with early dungeons required for main story progression, etc.

There is a link to the post in the description if you would like to join in the discussion but all I would like to say is…

Fret not my fellow adventurers!

Sure its an MMO launch so servers will have some hiccups, sure there will be a queue if you pick a seriously populated server so please check out my spreadsheet or video on that to be prepared, but above all remember that the previous closed and open betas were taking a serious look at many issues, chief among them the server stability under high load.

We can semi-safely assume player limits of over 1000 on launch as they monitor queues and dynamically adjust caps, reroute players to different servers where possible, and generally try to keep server populations healthy on launch and into the future. World Sets will play a big role in this, coordination with friends and guildies is key and worst comes to worst you end up rerolling once the dust has settled – sure its not ideal, but one thing is clear.

Aternum awaits!

Seriously go check out my video and spreadsheet I put loads of work into it, keep it updated and its gonna help you pick a good server.


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