Disney Selling Lucasfilm & Star Wars to Saudi Arabia + Woke Creator Attacks George Lucas

The buyer of Star Wars has been revealed & it’s an interesting conversation to have. Also The Acolyte’s creator claims George Lucas was not integral to the creation of Star Wars, so let’s dive in.

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26 thoughts on “Disney Selling Lucasfilm & Star Wars to Saudi Arabia + Woke Creator Attacks George Lucas”

  1. Thank you for watching & before anyone gets it twisted over the potential buyer of Star Wars, I am in no way saying Muslim values are bad. But there is an interesting conversation to be had where Star Wars could incorporate those values.

    Or the other likely scenario is that Saudi Arabia would just fund Star Wars & simply profit off of it like they do with Embracer Group. Who knows! But it’s fun to speculate. Have a great day!

    Instagram: endymionn
    Twitter: EndymionYT

  2. Very interesting, thanks for sharing. By the way, Dubai is in the UAE, not in Saudi Arabia. Not that it matters much, in the context of this video, but just saying. Definitely Saudi Arabia is a more likely candidate given their current efforts to attract the gaming-film-multimedia industries. The questions about values and cultural biases injected into the films if this happens are very real, but they may be secondary to financial considerations. At least at first. The Middle East is currently going through major economic and cultural transformations (delayed somewhat by the covid pandemic), so nothing should surprise us. I also wonder how the overall "Force" philosophy-religion would develop in such a scenario. Maybe it will become more philosophical and diverse, and completely get rid of the "midi-chlorian vibes", which could be a very good thing for some. 🙂

  3. This is not good for star wars if this is true, Lesley can take a short drop off a high building for all i care, her show is going to flop anyway , who cares what she thinks of grandmaster Lucas because i don't, she can run her mouth all she wants.

  4. If anyone is familiar with DOTA they should know that the Dota anime was made thanks to a Saudi prince. The show was pretty good and I could see it was handled with love and care. If theres any parallel here I see this as a WIN!

  5. Disney is not gone sell Star Wars. There to much money that can be made off of it. Even with the State of Star Wars the franchies isn't dead. Disney would just restructor Star Wars and fire Kathline Kennedy and find some one else to take her place. This is a rumor and a poor rumor to say the least. If for some reason Disney was going to sell it they wouldn't just sell it to some random rich tycoon. There tons of Studios like Universal or Sony who would probably gladly buy it if Disney was going to sell it. This bs rumor an dI wouldn't listen to the rumor.

  6. I’ve heard about Disney giving Star Wars back to George Lucas’s and people might not like what he did with the prequels but they were a lot better and introduced more fan favorite characters than Disney’s sequels

  7. “George Lucas was not integral to Star Wars.”

    How fucking petty do people have to be… Honesty.

    That’s like saying Tolkien was not integral to the Lord of the Rings.


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