Dinkum – Let's Play Ep 79

There’s a new deed in town!


2 thoughts on “Dinkum – Let's Play Ep 79”

  1. LOL, you had me in stiches trying to bury the croc 🙂 Btw if ever you have items in a vehicle you don't want or care about you can just destroy the vehicle for pickup and whatever was inside of it (for example dirt in wheelbarrow) will just disappear and your vehicle is empty again… magic eh? 😉 Have fun this game always cheers me up as well as watching you play

  2. … while talking about the bugs, walks right by a "question marks" one, while staring at the copper. Hope it was the same as the one you found later… but we'll never know. It was a good episode… got that new fellow to move in, which is always great. Got the garden in too. Don't forget to make some more food for your animals.


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