Dilly's heart just broke into a million pieces! #Hollyoaks #Heartbreak #Breakup #Shock #Reveal


17 thoughts on “Dilly's heart just broke into a million pieces! #Hollyoaks #Heartbreak #Breakup #Shock #Reveal”

  1. When I read, Dilly's heart broke into a million pieces, that reminds me of the scene when Sienna was saying to Brody, you're about to get your heart broken into a million pieces by a poundshop version of me. May Summer Ranger return back onto our screens and marry Sienna please❤️Team Summer and Sienna💕Team Simmer💍

  2. It figures! Like you’re husband is dying and instead of focusing on him, you are trying to bring down someone who don’t even know you. And I don’t know why Rafe want Sienna because it isn’t like he’s going to get a better woman. Plus, what future? All he has is the present. The storyline is dumb. They need to hurry up with this. Hollyoaks y’all slacking


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