Did the Philadelphia Eagles get SCREWED by the refs in the Super Bowl vs the Kansas City Chiefs?

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44 thoughts on “Did the Philadelphia Eagles get SCREWED by the refs in the Super Bowl vs the Kansas City Chiefs?”

  1. I get what you're saying as far as Bradberry getting away with it earlier in the game. But, there's a good chance the refs warned him during the game, gave him a pass a couple times, and told him they were going to start throwing the flag if he didn't tone it down. Happens all the time.

  2. That’s called karmas a bitch remember how devonta smith made the catch n got away with it in the championship game n it was a ln in complete catch that’s exactly how it hurts when the eagles got a controversial pass interference call now you know exactly how it feels like when things don’t go your way or they go against you

  3. Refs called the game like they call every game, turn it around, it wouldn't be fair to not call it if you are a chiefs fan – he obviously could not make it to the ball because he was held, Mahomes wouldn't miss by that much. Also, karma for the missed fumble, which would have ended the game anyway.

  4. This in my opinion was a bang bang play, it’s a bit of a hold & a push off to get open. At most it’s a replay on third down at the least you let it go. I compare this to traveling in the NBA, most of the time they let it go but it could always get called

  5. There was a lot of no calls why this cheap one? I saw both sides holding. I saw Haason Reddick being held a lot and no flags was being thrown so why this crucial moment? I'm not a fan of any of these teams but the ending ruined a classic game

  6. The rules matter especially in the biggest of spots. In those situations a foul should always be called, consistent or not. As a ref you can’t just let one slip, because you made a poor decision earlier in the game, that just makes for another poor decision.

  7. That was the right play because here's what many fans are not realizing. The Cheifs had scored on the previous drives with the same route ran which was the receiver goes in motion and stops and turns and runs about route. On those plays Kadaris Toney and Sky Moore scored running the same routes wide open. So when Bradberry held Juju who ran the same route he grabs him twice. Once as he turns around and again as he is running his route. This is a obvious holding call, and if the ref didn't throw the flag it would have been more of a outcry!!! For not calling that flag on Bradberry. The right call was made it was a hold. The only people who are mad are eagles fans and gamblers who bet the eagles.

  8. What do you even mean, Chiefs fans think it’s a penalty?? If your a fan of football, you know that’s a penalty. “He does grab him a little bit…”. Yes he does it twice, and that’s called holding. The refs can call it anytime, no time or every time it happens, so don’t do it!! And you said he got away with a hold earlier in the game, oh so that was ok then though right?? Maybe if he doesn’t grab him just a little bit, he’s beat and it’s a touchdown. So what if a team loses because a penalty wasn’t called, is that ok? If your gonna commit penalties earlier in the game because you know the refs are letting you play, then you also should know as a pro, at crunch time, when the game is on the line, that can change and you need to be perfect. There is also a huge difference for refs between a receiver getting held and “the targeted receiver” getting held. Without the 2 little grabs, the receiver gets separation and it’s a touchdown. You can’t tell me I’m wrong, because he held him, and the quarterback had to throw it away.

  9. Yeah, I love how NO ONE dares to mention how the Chiefs Oline and Dline were savagely HOLDING THE ENITIRE GAME.

    Even the commentator said, "I mean, I get it, it is a slight hold; but I don't think there's enough their. They've been allowed to play at this level all game and to make this call at this point in the game? WOW"

    WHY IS THAT? 🤔
    Everyone leaving comments made money off the Eagles loss, not the Chiefs winning.

    When I found out that someone bet 2.1mil on the Eagles win. I knew exactly how this game was going to end up. This means that whomever bet on the underdog would get a 3-4 time payout in an upset win.

    Knowing this, I knew my guys could still take it like they have in the 3 previous games where they tried the same unfair call tactics, and it didn't work. In this game, however, the Cheifs were getting away with murder. Holding on all their big plays.

    One clip you see an Eagles D-linemen get held ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE GROUND AND THEN THE Cheifs O-linemen proceed to LAY ON TOP OF HIM. Guess what? NO CALL!!!!

  10. … During the return, you can see all the cheifs special teams that were in the front, but Eagles special teams are too fast, so the Cheifs are seen actively serving ILLEGAL BLOCKS IN THE BACK. MULTIPLE EAGLES ARE SEEN IN FRONT OF THE CHEIFS AND TUMBLING FORWARD. HOW!?!🤷🏿‍♂️

  11. NFL hates if fans think bogus call decided important game, so maybe word sent down from NFL, all the way to Bradberry, to say something to take the heat off. The NFL knows many fans might leave if there's too much bad call hate. I myself am glad I didn't watch the game, because I hate it when a questionable call decides a game. Props to Mark Levin, btw!!

  12. All of the teams DBs have been doing this all year in every game with impunity. The refs have not been calling this all year, unless it is necessary to get the game out come they have been instructed to achieve. The NFL is getting more and more like WWE! and are in love with Mahomes, not to mention that he is the spokesperson for State Farm Insurance playing for the championship in what stadium… Yep… the State Farm Insurance Stadium. We should have all seen this fairy tale ending coming.

  13. 2 top seeds playing in the SB with the one team only winning by a field goal….not bad imho. I will take this L only bc Jalen fumbled and the Chiefs ran it back for a TD. Can’t be doing stuff like that in the Super Bowl. Hurts said he will learn from this and I think we will bounce back harder next year. What’s really funny to me is how niners fans are reacting to the loss. Acting like the Chiefs blew out the Eagles like how they were blown out by the birds😂 🦅🦅🦅

  14. Ahhh The sound of Kansas City fans constantly having to explain themselves because they know it was a terrible call and they stole the Super Bowl is hilarious.

    As a person who doesn't care about either team in this game, I think I'm going to side with all the pro athletes and ex football players from Greg Olsen to la LeBron James who all agreed It was an egregious call That should never have been made.

  15. Look how Juju is pushing off the defender to get separation. He does it twice on this same play. It could be said that the reason the defender was attempting to keep contact with the receiver with his hand tugging on the jersey was a result of being illegally pushed off by the receiver's arm.

  16. I don't think this is entirely fair to the people who had a problem with the call. You made it seem like it was controversial only because they missed one (or some?) earlier calls on Bradburry, but people are pissed off because they feel it wasn't called all game for either team- it's not like anyone's upset because they feel Bradburry shouldn't get his special treatment taken away.

  17. This was embarrassing for the nfl. Not only was the officiating terrible but field was garbage which clearly favored the chiefs since the eagles pass rush is so potent. I’ve never seen speed rushers fall as many times as I saw during the Super Bowl.

  18. Penalties are a factor in the Nature of the Contest and forever will be. brady got 4 rings with penalties. Lot of talent on that field Sunday night. I don't understand how a penalty can be game changing when a non-call on holding can be equally seen as game changing. There are two sides to most every story.

  19. Wah wah wah.
    Eagles got screwed because their defense sucked in the second half.
    You people all do a lot of f**** whining for being sideline officials.
    Bottom line….
    Eagles lost the game because their defense sucked, period.

  20. The fix was in. WHY the Eagles' OC and DC are hired as HC just after the SB ? Were they talking to new organizations during SB week ? Where were their heads during the SB ? Doesn't NFL rules forbid thes guys from talking with other teams until after the season ? Something is fishy. The could have given the game plan to KC ! Just saying.

  21. I get timing is everything, but this was no where near the most controversial call of the game, and most of those went the Eagle's way. (overturn of Eagle's catch – fumble returned for TD, one hand pushing ball against helmet as receiver goes out of bounds ruled a catch, non call of holding on Barberry earlier in the game….)


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