Detroit Tigers vs Chicago White Sox Live Stream And Hanging Out

SEASON OPENER! LETS GO TIGERS! Game 1 of 3 between the Tigers (0-0) and the White Sox (0-0) in Chicago for the season opener for both teams! Well it’s finally time for the Tigers to play some games that matter! We have watched plenty of Spring Training games, we know the pitching seems ripe and ready to go for the 2024 season; we just have to hope the bats are awake and ready to rake right away. We need a strong opening month so this way, the season doesn’t get away from us like last year. The Sox come in hoping their rebuild was swift and they are retooled for a strong 2024. Can they ruin the Tigers opener? Or do the Tigers start out right this year? LETS FIND OUT! WHO YA GOT? Let’s hope for a good one! Thanks for listening, I Hope you enjoy it.

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