Designing the Settlements in the World of 'Horizon Forbidden West'

In this 2022 Art Direction Summit session, Guerrilla’s Roland Ijzermans takes viewers on an in-depth journey from the initial ideation to detailed production design of the various environments featured in the game. Sharing a unique insight into the design process used to develop the characteristic look of the factions and its inhabitants of Horizon.

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18 thoughts on “Designing the Settlements in the World of 'Horizon Forbidden West'”

  1. Modern game designers are the worst ever and games in general are now worse than the worst made for TV movies of the 90’s I grew up with in terms of artistic integrity and intelligent story telling.

    Here’s a thought. Apart from Nintendo and From Soft can you think of a single modern game that holds a candle to anything pre 2010 that was made by teams with (almost) zero qualifications in game development?

    Of course these development teams of the past had qualifications just not qualifications based on curated curriculums designed by educators who had never done anything real in their life other than ‘educate’ students.

    Your standardised university qualifications for game development, art and writing mean everything from 2012 to now is almost identical. It’s not even really your fault. Just the simple designation of game dev defines the fact you have no ability or capacity to think outside the box you’ve been ‘educated’ to fill.

    Games like this are trash and why the industry is doomed to be nothing more than opium for the masses. I used to feel pity for devs and teams making games through ‘crunch’ times but now I honestly think it’s divine comedy 👍🏻

  2. Should have put more effort in making an intresting world instead of just another boring ubiworld elden ring shot forbidden west out of the water and nobody talked about it anymore same with botw in 2017. Its just to generic and boring and takes 0 risks.

  3. Some really idiotic takes in the comment section. Horizon Forbidden West was an amazing, excellent game with incredible world design and art direction (and much more – story, music etc!), and it's clear to me that none of these people have actually played the game and have just been listening to unfounded negativity online haha
    Really looking forward to the third game!

  4. Horizon has one of the most unique and unparalleled art style right now in the market. Been following the development for a while now, the level of details they put in even a mere half rotted basket by some roadside is so impressive. Demerits for nerfing Aloy's dodge rolls tho, that decision was just unnecessary and plain stupid. You guys broke the beautiful flow of the game and discouraged engagement.

  5. Settlements like Plainsong or the city remnants of Denver (Devil’s Thirst) in Zero Dawn or San Francisco in the sequel are beautifully designed indeed – but the real feat for me is creating an intriguing post apocalyptic world with all these different tribes inhabiting it; their culture interwoven with and shaped by artifacts from the Old Ones, the diverse biomes reflected in their architecture and clothing – all neatly tied up in a cohesive and interesting overarching narrative – THAT is why i love this game. 💛

    Horizon is the reason my channel exists – feel free to check out my cinematic videos showcasing the beautiful locations and landscape


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