Starfield Official Gameplay Reveal | Xbox & Bethesda Showcase 2022

Bethesda’s long awaited intergalactic RPG finally gets a gameplay reveal. We get a look at in-game environments, gunplay, characters, a glimpse of its story, and its in-depth character creator, including specific body trais, and even how you walk. Starfield is expected to release in 2023.

#starfield #xbox #summergamefest


50 thoughts on “Starfield Official Gameplay Reveal | Xbox & Bethesda Showcase 2022”

  1. Can't wait!!! A couple things. I wonder if their is a mod that will remove the explosion sounds in space. You will hear your own blasters, but everything else will be silent. Also, I hope the save system is traditional and we can save any time anywhere like Skyrim and F04. The 76 system was frustrating and depending on what server you ended up on things changed. I hope it isn't anything like that.


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