Democratic Crusaders – Stellaris Meta Builds

Parliamentary System is meta in Stellaris 3.4. We can use it to force Psionic pops and robots to live in harmony, create a massive fleet to conduct democratic crusades and make our people the happiest in the universe!

Lets dive in!

Stellaris Version 3.4

Stellaris Meta Builds Playlist:

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25 thoughts on “Democratic Crusaders – Stellaris Meta Builds”

  1. I'd like to sensibilize the various leaders of our galaxy about the trauma your population endures when forced to abandon their home, family and friends to be resettled on a far away planet.

    Like Tommy. Tommy wanted to be an artist. He was a gentle soul and recently fell in love with the mail man's daughter. The feelings were mutual. But Tommy will never mary with the mail man's daughter and be an artist. Instead Tommy was forced by his government to go melt minerals into alloys for the rest of his life on the nation's brand new forge world. He also had to leave his dog behind as the new planet didn't accept pets.

    Resettlement should only be allowed in times of crisis!

    (This post is not to be taken seriously. (Loved the video Montu I shall try it out))

  2. I did something like this with Xenophobe. Made financing all of ecumenopolis on my core worlds so much easier.

    … Just don't ask where all of the minerals and food came from…

  3. Please PDX, please, nerf Masterful Crafters into the ground, please, God, please. When all meta builds always take that civic it truly means that civic is completely busted. Everyone picks it in mp games. It kills flavor and stunts other builds that necessitate a different civic.


  4. Idk how I did it but one time I managed to get psyonic, brain slug, synths using an extreme xenophile materialist build and making friends with everybody. Somehow the AI had xenocompatible bread psionic with brain slug cyborgs, and then those pops immigrated and I assimilated them and the game just went "Ya that's totally fine" and I had these weirdly powerful synths that had all these stacked bonuses as leaders

  5. I don't quite understand why you think having spiritualist pops and robots is so bad. If you only allow robotic workers but outlaw AI, then according to the wiki you lose only 5 spiritualist faction approval compared to completely outlawing robots. Of course this restricts the robots somewhat, but it shouldn't be that bad?

  6. last week I made a mistake and played a pitiful biological species… when my factions formed my nice militarist, egalitarian, materialist species formed a militarist faction *with three pops a egalitarian faction *with two pops and a spiritualist faction with the other 89 pops…. and they were all at 0% happiness.

  7. Got one of the luckiest starts for my build, I was a fanatic xenophile militarist, and I spawned next to a Harmonious Collective, and a federation builder. We have 20 planets between us, and are nearly unstoppable.

  8. Shouldn't Conformist (the trait) and Information quarantine (the edict) also help you out to avoid the spiritualist faction from forming (or at least limit the number of supporters) because you're increasing the governing ethic attraction?

  9. I have a quick question, not about this build but just about the aquatic trait in general. It is a very good trait, but one issue is that ocean worlds tend to have agriculture districts, while energy and mining districts are normally low in number. So if I dedicate my capital to research and one of my guaranteeds to industry, what do I use the third planet for? Bc quite often I find myself with two ocean worlds that have very few energy/mining districts, and it seems very inefficient and unsustainable for economic growth if one planet only has up to 4 of energy/mining districts. So let me rephrase the question: what should I do if both of my guaranteeds have low energy/mining districts available?


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