Decoding the Brain

#BrianGreene #Neuroscience #Brain
How does the brain retrieve memories, articulate words, and focus attention? Recent advances have provided a newfound ability to decipher, sharpen, and adjust electrical signals relevant to speech, attention, memory and emotion. Join Brian Greene and leading neuroscientists Gyรถrgy Buzsรกki, Edward Chang, Michael Halassa, Michael Kahana and Helen Mayberg for a thrilling exploration of how weโ€™re learning to read and manipulate the mind.

The Kavli Prize recognizes scientists for their seminal advances in astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience โ€“ topics covered in the series โ€œThe Big, the Small, and the Complex.โ€ This series is sponsored by The Kavli Foundation and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Michael Halassa
Edward Chang
Michael Kahana
Helen S. Mayberg
Gyรถrgy Buzsรกki

Brian Greene

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36 thoughts on “Decoding the Brain”

  1. Analogies are helpful. I'd like to offer a newer one. I have a basic medical background, but also an industrial mechanical background. If mammals (I'm being specific here, but this regards any 'living' organism) were considered as "wet" machines and average machines – any complex mechanical system with a computer and mechanical peripherals like ATM's or industrial robots – as "dry" machines, how is troubleshooting these roles different? Bad circuitry in a dry machine is fairly simple to diagnose and fix. How can we implement these processes to an organic system? I think if anyone looks at it from this perspective, they might level us up medically.

  2. Fascinating speakers๐Ÿ‘‘
    Expounding on Yuriโ€™s perspective ..,
    embryonic brain ๐Ÿง  development research has also shed light on understanding how the ethereal (intangible) & physical (brain/CNS, extremities) interactive development systems & functionalities of the brain work (or not work together) while in the embryo stage of life, into the fetus stage, new born , child up to adult stage in heathy & unhealthy brain development.
    Understanding how & where the brain developed from pre birth into postpartum stages helps in localizing & manipulating a more centralized solution focused approach to remapping the why or how ( causes & effects) the onset of bio psycho social anomalies occurs in the brain at different stages of life.
    Brain Research from this perspective Results in identifiable causes, effects & solid solutions for most cognitive & behavioral issues in individuals who may need therapy, pharma or treatment verses those with healthy brain activity.

  3. This guy stating that the human brain is not like a computer no shit but it's a different kind of computer one that we have not actually constructed yet nonetheless it is still a biological machine

  4. Over the last 10 years, I have made multiple attempts to complete a 40 day/night vow of silence (NO VOLUNTARY NOISE emitted, not just no speaking). The longest I made it was 9 whole days, but something that I experienced is that I have had to record myself because there were instances in which I couldn't figure out if I had made a noise. Literally, I couldn't discern whether or not my vocal chords has vibrated. When listening to the recording of myself, in some of the instances I had indeed made a noise while others I just thought I had spoken out loud. Why would that be?

  5. Very interesting. Personally, I don't think a computer will ever be conscious in the same way a human is, but I'm willing to admit that I could be wrong.
    However, I'm nearly certain that a computer would not have a "will" as in "will to power," as humans have.
    Because our will is mostly driven not by thought but by emotions, which are largely generated from biological needs, and are chemically based.
    So, unless it's some cyborg type being, I don't think we need to worry about AI taking over.
    However, humans will certainly USE sophisticated, or quantum computers, to support our will to power.
    In other words, unless a computer is programmed to have such a mandate, we don't need to worry about AI in itself.
    However, again, I'm humble enough to admit I could be wrong.
    I think saying "Idk" is the most honest response to such a question.

  6. brain is very very good. I'm a coach about power of brain through breathing exercise. My student can read, play bicycle and another without the eyes. this is no trick or magic, this is real use your brain.

  7. High majesty,accept my poor sign of the brain. Why the brain is made of many languages, they speak on their tongues. When the baby child born on tis earth.if the child baby did not learn how to speak or nothing to be nurture or teach him .what did it happen ? It belong to moron or imbecile like a birds or a animals. Like a part of a movie of Tarzan or become a uncivilized person or a people like barbarians. Or a lock off learning to the mental universe of evolution ? Thanks high majesty,genius scientist teacher to search tis brain. to tis sign to me, cite

  8. The Brain is the simplest instrument in the human body. All great things are simple. Remember? And THAT is why it appears so complicated. If a guy without any knowledge of music is made to look at the hands of a pianist while she's playing the piano with the audio output muted, the guy will neither be able to replicate the scale on his voice, nor will he be able to play that back on another instrument. But someone with the knowledge of music notation, will do it with ease. It's the same with the brain. Most neuroscientists are wasting time trying to find a generalized solution to the structure, being extraordinarily lazy. But Brian brings in quality people i must say. And yes, there's this man, called Jack Gallant, who's perhaps among the only neuroscientists in the world who are getting the human brain right.

  9. Yea the life hacks and brain reading should be against the law it can ruin someone's life and a lot of people had done this to me the people at work r in on it everywhere I go and the broken promise lies go blow smoke up someone else's butt because liars don't belong in my world and I promote kindness not violence or broken promises or dreams my grandson peeling James Moyers in trying to let him see the best of the world not bullying not cyber bullying not hearing just the bad of the world when all of us can show the goodness of the world n not being in a game of nothing but manipulation and people taking advantage of someone who has changed there life for the better and just use them cause they really don't say no or that they won't take up for theresel f in called no fuss zone no violent zone and don't need the drama in my life

  10. Why not make a device that blocks remote neural monitoring ,and V2k harassment ,this device must also file police reports against whomever is connecting to your brain to launch psycological attacks against you. Synthythic telepathy so far is only used as a weapon. Without this device any brain to brain or computer interface will only lead to a disaster.I know this first hand


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