Deaths at Disneyland and Other Theme Park Deaths: TikTok Compilation #2

#disneyland #disneyworld #sixflags #themeparks #death #truestory #makingatruecrimerer #tiktok #tiktokcompilation

Here are 25 more deaths that occurred at theme parks. A lot at Disneyland and a few at Six Flags Parks, plus many more.

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32 thoughts on “Deaths at Disneyland and Other Theme Park Deaths: TikTok Compilation #2”

  1. Doesn't matter what I am watching, when I get a message that you have a new video up, I'm there ASAP ๐Ÿค—
    Love, love, love everything you put out !! Happy New Year true crimers…..viewer discretion is advised ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

  2. This reminds me of the time I almost died at Holiday World. There was a coaster called The Raven that had one bar that came across your lap with no seat belts.
    I was little but I was tall for my age, so they let me ride with my mom. Unfortunately the bar that came down only went to my mom's legs and not mine.
    So during the ride I started to slip and almost flew out. My mom grabbed me thank God, and held me so tight my shirt ripped.
    We had a picture somewhere of me almost dying, and my mom holding onto me for dear life. They ended up putting 2 individual bars for each person, along with 2 seat belts for each person to prevent this from happening again.
    But I did hear about a woman that did actually die on The Raven. I think I remember reading people saw her standing on the coaster?
    Which my birthday is July 4th so I always loved rides and amusement parks/carnivals. Hearing these stories, my own experience, and the final destination movie with the roller coaster deaths are just terrifying. I always say to myself when riding, "Please don't let me die this way."

  3. Brace yourselves but I HAVE NEVER been Disney World or land. Or Knotsville or 6 flags. I am just fine. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚. No thrills for me. Driving in AZ is enough. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ.

  4. Yaaaay! It's like the best Christmas present ever getting all these compilation videos, I absolutely love them and I don't use tiktok so I'm over the moon to be able to watch them on here! Thank you so much Mikey.

  5. If there is a sign at the beginning of the ride, that tells you to remove your watch,change and wallet,and camera maybe you should think some more about the ride. You know โ€ฆ you just never know. Lol๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. I came here from your TikTok, the first couple videos were cringey, but after a few videos I binged watched your whole page! It sucks how streaming platforms are so fโ€™d up! Like twitch, chicks can be half naked and wonโ€™t get their channel taking down, but the second a dude comes on in a Speedo, PERMABAN!

    Sorry you had to get off TikTok, but at least on YT you can have longer videos!

    I definitely am here to support you 100,000,000%!

    Lots of love!

  7. I went to Disney land Paris went it opened. My sister made us go on the small world ride everyday, twice! For 2 weeks. That ride has haunted me for many years! RIP to the fellow who lost his life on the ride โค

  8. Disney definitely should have been sued and held responsible for that little boy being attacked by the alligator. If warning signs had been up about the gators I bet the family would have never gone near the water.


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