Dead Space Official Gameplay Trailer

Something has gone horribly wrong on board the mining ship, USG Ishimura. Get your first look at Dead Space™ gameplay.


24 thoughts on “Dead Space Official Gameplay Trailer”

  1. The masterpiece of Dead Space goes to show that being inspired or a so called “Rip off of Resident evil 4” isn’t what makes a game bad. We can all be inspired and make movies, games that are similar as long as we add our own ingredients with PASSION 💎

  2. Man… I thought I achieved so much when I beat Dead Space. It was a slog through gore filled terror-hallways, and the relief once I finished it was so great. I never thought I'd have to subject myself to such horror again, and yet, here we are. You bastards.

  3. That red marker is so vivid! I feel even more sorry for Isaac man; he had no idea what the ship Ishimura imprinted on his mind. Clarke is courageous beyond belief, even if it is out of necessity for survival.

  4. No matter how many times I completed Dead space, every time I played, I was granted for the scare, chilling & creepy experience. This game is hands down the best survival action horror game.

  5. Super excited for this gem to breathe new life with a younger generation. Playing this on the PS3 for the first time will be a memory that i won't forget. So far im impressed with the dedication to the original and not pulling a 343. Cant wait


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