D&D — Donuts and Dragons // MHA Podfic

Installment two in autumnconcept’s wonderful Secretary!Izuku universe! I genuinely have so much fun with this AU I don’t even know what to tell you. Be sure to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!
Until next time, my sightseers!

Additional tags:
Crack?, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Secretary!Izuku, Angst Lite, Everyone Loves Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako is a Good Friend


9 thoughts on “D&D — Donuts and Dragons // MHA Podfic”

  1. I don't comment on videos often, but I'm already in love with your stuffs, so I just wanna let ya know that while I probably won't comment much in the future, I'm cheering you on in the darkened little corner of the room. ❤

  2. I don't usually listen to this kind of thing unless they've been doing this for a while and I like there voice but even if you haven't been doing this for long you are really good at this and your voice is really nice. So I'll stick with you. you've got the potential to go big so keep at it.

  3. Just get this guy a license already
    But on the Todoroki and Ida shared the same look on their faces I can’t tell if it’s aww or awe because honestly with Midoriya it could be either


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