DAY 56 LIVING AT SEA: We Made It To Our Dream Island!

Strick and Fran are off on a 4 months trip living off the land and off the ocean. The new Genesis boat will allow them to explore further than ever before.
Come along with us on our journey North:

Join us on Patreon to watch the Episodes a week early and Ad Free. We will also be posting some behind the scenes and answer any questions you might have. See ya there:

Thanks for the support!
Strick & Fran


20 thoughts on “DAY 56 LIVING AT SEA: We Made It To Our Dream Island!”

  1. My 5 year old son found your channel. We have been glued to it all weekend! We both love it!!

    Is there anyway on your next adventure you can bring a metal detector with you? It would be awesome to find some old gold and silver! Cheers!

  2. You know, it's perfectly OK if, every now and then, you guys showed your viewers some hugs and kisses. I mean, displays of affection are acceptable on YouTube, aren't they? A little "innuendo" is expected. Don't you guys enjoy each other's company?


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