Dawn of War 1 is Better Than You Remember

In this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the first Dawn of War game and how good it really was. We’ll be discussing the graphics, the gameplay, and whether or not it was a worthy successor to the Warhammer 40,000 franchise.

Dawn of War was a huge hit when it was released in 2004 and paved the way for Warhammer 40,000 games as we know them today. In this video, we’ll be looking at this incredible game and deciding whether or not it was worth your time!

Special thanks to A12 for editing and improving some of the art pieces
Music licenses: Artlist.io

Game description:
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War is a military science fiction real-time strategy (RTS) video game developed by Relic Entertainment and based on Games Workshop’s tabletop wargame Warhammer 40,000.


19 thoughts on “Dawn of War 1 is Better Than You Remember”

  1. Dawn of War 1 IS good, still!
    Playing it weekly 😅
    The mods are up-to-date and fix a lot of your mentioned issues.
    BTW, with CRUCIBLE MOD (you forgot to mention them. EskaliA23 a mod developer has an active YT channel here ) I very rarely have issues on my 10 year old i7 notebook.
    Same with UNIFICATION MOD 👍
    ULTIMATE APOCALYPSE has the most problems IMHO 😢
    The new, expanded campaign is awesome on the mods.
    Same goes for more buildings, units, etc.
    Some Mods have 20+ races.
    Imperial Guard can have 30+ men infantry units, Big Titans everywhere.
    The ModManager lets you have the options to play the game how you like. Tier/units restrictions, more health or less for heroes, buildings, etc.
    It's insane what the mod community did for this game.
    I wished Games Workshop would work with the brightest heads of those "modder-fukkas" 😂 to create DoW1 refurbished with a newer engine…
    But we all know how Greedy Wankshop treats their fans.
    The way they treated the fan-video scene with cease & desist was horrible and pathetic 🖕🏿🖕🏽🖕🏼
    I write & rant too much …😅
    Great video again, klootzak 😂
    Keep up the good work 😊

  2. Couldn't agree more. The 40k universe has a lot of great games but DoW and its expansions is THE number one of all games in my library I still come back to even today. Good Video

  3. Dawn of War 1 is a perfect example of how staying away from direct asymmetry at the atomic level of attack, damage and resistance types for units, is how you allow your RTS to have near infinite replayablilty.

    There is no, "oh well tactical marines are for ranged combat, so they're going to inorganically lose in melee fights vs targets that they normally can utterly destroy" like there is in Dawn of War 2. Which just completely takes me out of it. That doesnt make me feel like im playing 40k. That makes me feel like im playing a fuking MOBA.


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