John Howard | Are One Nation Voters Racist?

In this clip, Howard and Anderson discuss the rise of One Nation during their time in government. Although One Nation certainly posed a problem for the coalition, both agree that the media was wrong to attribute Hanson’s success to racism.

John Howard served as the 25th Prime Minister of Australia,
in office from 1996 to 2007.

Howard’s achievements as Prime Minister included the establishment of
tougher gun laws, the introduction of a nationwide goods and services tax,
immigration reform, and industrial relations reform.

Under his leadership
Australia contributed troops to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and led
the International Force for East Timor. He also committed $1 billion
in aid following the 2004 Indonesian tsunami.

His government returned ten out of twelve budget surpluses;
unprecedented in the post-war period.
See full the full episode here:
Conversations feature John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, interviewing the world’s foremost thought leaders about today’s pressing social, cultural and political issues.

John believes proper, robust dialogue is necessary if we are to maintain our social strength and cohesion. As he puts it; “You cannot get good public policy out of a bad public debate.”

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Track Name Epic Emotional Trailer by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / Atla


41 thoughts on “John Howard | Are One Nation Voters Racist?”

  1. While I welcome immigration (my father is an immigrant) there has to be a limit . House prices are unaffordable, roads are congested and in many places its a case of spot the Aussie in a sea of foreigners. Questioning immigration levels doesnt make you racist despite what the left says.

  2. A country which is now beholden to China, and trying to change the constitution to segerate the population by race based on the belief indigenous need separate representation. Sounds like she had greater insights then any politian at the time.

  3. Both One nation and the coalition are on the scrapheap. They don't understand modern Australia or its population but are still seen by some as an alternative. They are both gone for a long time.

  4. People vote One Nation because The Liberals and Labour two party state can’t be trusted…Australia has a lot of natural wealth and both parties waste the great national treasure opportunity everyday while allowing globalist interest to set the agenda and wreck the country.

  5. "Our handling of this", John Anderson says arrogantly about One Nation. Yes, "many of those grievances were pretty understandable" John. So why did the Coalition, with the support of Labor, stitched up and locked up Pauline Hanson.

  6. John Howard started the great sell off. We now own nothing, not even our water and we are now 1 trillion in debt, the liberals started the ideology and supercharged it during covid. The ALP have just sat back and watched the great sell off and will do nothing to save Australia. Pauline is trying to save Australia unlike the two major parties.

  7. There's a difference between racism and culturism or recognizing the priority of certain cultural values over various types of immorality.

  8. Never heard her say anything racist, that was the media’s attempt to denigrate her. Still think she’s on the right track. The liberals and Labor just look after their sponsors intrests.

  9. Being as condescending as you were shows just how out of touch you are from the conservative thinker. The Liberal National parties are now as woke as the rest except One Nation. Who else is standing up for the rights of the individual? The answer: Nobody but ON. People say move with the times, but time doesn't change what is right and proper.

  10. Well they're not bleeding hearts, gullible, naive or unpatriotic thats for sure! The Hellfinger is for the radical Left! Ive seen my town of birth go from a suburb filled with returned WW2 Veterans full of affordable housing turn into the 3rd world multicultural ghetto of Australia where English isnt prefered nor essential! You dont think we the Australian people are perturbed, bitter or resentful due to Globalist policies?

  11. from memory johnny, pauline DIDNT say australia was being flooded with asians, she said " Australia is IN DANGER of being flooded with asians"
    here you mimic billy shortarse who much more apparently made the same DELIBERATE ? misquote of pauline when he said that she said Australia was being flooded with muslims, when she clearly also said "Australia is IN DANGER of being flooded with muslims", and according to census data between 2004 and 2014 their numbers TRIPLED from something like 150k to approx. 500k.

  12. She was right about the asians too. If anyone has walked through any of the major cities within the last 20 years they wouldn’t be able to deny it. Government has allowed wealthy asians to purchase much of the high end real estate leaving Australians unable to afford to live in their cities.

  13. Well enjoy staying in opposition I say to the current conservative parties because you have burnt your core voters beyond belief, drifting to far to the left and at the same time being bought by multi nationals and major corporations,every person I have spoken to in small to medium businesses feel abandoned by the libs,keep playing your internal political games and let the country burn seems to be there only policy

  14. The added information that did NOT come out in your focus group is that, in particular Queensland regional areas, suffer badly from the fact that government rarely looks after regional areas, but that BRISBANE, and most particularly under Labor governments, believes that Queensland does not extend north of Nambour and does not extend west of Ipswich.
    All regional Queensland in particular understands that 85%+ of taxes and fees paid into the state comes from regions and is spent in the SE corner.
    Compare budgets in the last three administrations (2023 right now) and see how much of Qld funding reaches beyond the South East corner….

  15. It’s a pity we can’t get QUALITY politicians like these two any more. They could read community feelings and knew economics backward. Pauline is becoming a better prospect the longer she remains, but it’s her party members who need some skill sessions

  16. Population control nothing else and population reduction in the world and ajender 21 30 is alive an well! all the governments of the world are in league with the system ajender.

  17. Pauline is a leader that is going to unite all Australian in these desperate times we face as our social cultural fabric is being eroded at the hands of the Labor party. One Nation will restore common sense to the nation through there policies and give the people back there freedom that is slowly being taken through tyrannical policies/actions by the Labor and the greens. The coalition need get back to there conservative roots and clean house of progressive social rot that has grown over last decade. Give the people a true difference between the two major parties or see the rise of a third major party which will put both Labor and liberal in opposition so they can think about what they truly want to stand for in opposition.

  18. I use to vote liberal and I think Howard did a good job running the country. Personally, I feel the Liberal party has turned into closet socialist. They are very anti business. Anyone who wants to work hard, they penalize, take their money and give it to people who don't want to work, and worse they give it go new migrants who have contributed nothing to the country.
    Both Labor and Liberal are all about penalizing hard working people with high taxes and rewarding people who don't want to work. All the business laws are now pro workers and business owners have no rights. I tell people don't open a business in Australia as you have no rights. The more people you employee you get penalized by state payroll tax, which 99% of the population don't know what it is. If you get investment properties you get slugged property tax, just for accumulating assets. Being a landlord you have lost all your rights. The Australia now is nothing but a big nanny socialist state. Governments are all about trying to control your life and telling you how to think. The multiculturalism they try and shove down your throat has turned into a total disaster, just like it has in every other western country. The government are rampart liars. They try and make out, look what we are giving you. The government can't give you anything, they have to first take it from you first (tax). Most Australians still haven't figured out that scam yet. I stopped voting about 10 years ago and I know plenty of people who don't bother voting either, as they are sick of lying politicians who are in office for a few years and end up poncing off society with their life long pensions.


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