DARK CLOUD BETA LOST Demon Shaft BETA and AGA EXPLAINED #DarkCloud #DarkCloud2 #DarkCloud3

This video focuses on LOST Demon Shaft BETA and AGA EXPLAINED in addition to the Mysterious Dark Cloud 1.5, Interviewing Level 5 staff to get to the bottom of this decades old mystery and other aspects of Demon Shaft Beta Material!

This video is full of trivia and information, you don’t want to miss out on it!

Many thanks to Roghroo for providing the art!
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0:00​ Introduction
1:04 Demon Shaft Beta Deepdive
3:17 Beta Chronicle Swords
3:41 Seda’s Involvement
4:28 Dark Knight Analysis
6:14 Mysterious Dark Cloud 1.5
10:27 488#$^&*
10:45 Level 5 Interview
12:20 Negative Aura
14:14 Special Thanks


21 thoughts on “DARK CLOUD BETA LOST Demon Shaft BETA and AGA EXPLAINED #DarkCloud #DarkCloud2 #DarkCloud3”

  1. I finished the demon shaft 3 times. I've always been a post game grind monster so I beat it after my brother beat the main game when we were kids. I remember being so amazed by the black knight pendragon as a child. I beat the entire game twice again as an adult. It's really fun to go through this dungeon honestly. Love this video man!

  2. It still makes me gasp that the Pendragon battle theme is Dark Cloud 2's beta battle theme. I guess the beta theme really sounded more of as a boss theme so they gave it to him and made a completely new and fresh one for DC2.
    I still get an uneasy feeling from that tower. 100 whole floors of nothing but death awaiting anyone who dares to steps in it. And if Aga truly surpassed every challenge that got in his way, what happened at the top? Was it the Dark Genie who made him evil? Was it the Pendragon itself as a punishment for losing against that creature? Or was it the Chronicle 2 sword itself, filling him with darkness as he touched that cursed sword that has been in that tower for thousands and thousands of years? Take a look at the colors of both of the swords. Chronicle has a light green color, usually indicating the good while Chronicle 2's color is reddish-orange indicating evil. Perhaps 2 warriors fought on the top of that same tower. The warrior with the Chronicle being the victorious one sealed Chronicle 2 in that tower so its power could never fall to the wrong hands again. Fast foward years later and Aga came across to that sword. Touching it immediately made the soul of the sword take him over. A few years later and Toan got his hands on the Atlamillia, he was given the power to wield the Chronicle sword (notice how its evolution comes after the Atlamillia sword) indicating that something has gone wrong in the tower.
    Anyway, great video as always Hiddencastle!

  3. I can definitely hear the similarities between Pendragon and the Battle theme in between the two. However, there have been enough changes that I feel it's distinctive enough.

    One was probably a beta version of the other. Of which one was which we don't know. Pendragon's theme could've been the earlier version or it could've been the refined version.
    It definitely matches though since it sounds very medieval fantasy with the stringy instruments which is what Pendragon is modeles after.

    As for whether I've completed the Demon Shaft… I think I've only ever completed it… ONCE. And that was only a few years ago.

    I never even got to the end of Dark Cloud until I got a full copy of the game towards the end of my teenage years.

  4. I didnt finished the demon shaft because i made a huge mistake as a kid. I put all the good weapons into one weapon for ungaga 🤡 (smart) so he was the only one fighter on this location.

    I love this part of the game so much!!!! I love how the place looks like, i love to hear wind and the bell from this abandoned guiant tower, that actually took my heart as a kid. Even now it makes me that special feeling. I also in love how it looks inside, and the music from there oh god, so calm. (I even build the same pretty huge area in minecraft inspired with these brown, growth with mold bricks (no footage saved))

    Thank you so much for this video hiddencastle you took my heart again and i also cant believe what it passed like 2 or 3 years, wheb i found this channel and met the greatest content creator and such a nice person 💜

  5. Another wonderful video for the compendium! You described my experience accidentally finding the beta design of the Chronicle Sword perfectly. I think not knowing every detail about the lore of Dark Cloud provides a sense of desire to make your own assumptions and come up with your own theories. This is why I love the Dark Cloud series so much! No two playthroughs are exactly the same, for gameplay or story and lore. Keep up the amazing content HiddenCastle! The Dark Cloud community thanks you! <3

    P.S. Love the Yu-gi-oh! Duelist of the Roses music toward the end! 🙂

  6. Also you did such a nice job with comparing the mists of time in the game with our real world tendencies to take things for granted, assuming something will always be there, until it's not. Really good ending

  7. I never got to beat the Demon Shaft as a kid thanks to a corrupted memory card so I only managed to beat it on the PS4 port. When I made it to that final floor it felt so accomplishing to defeat the Black Knight. Damn those Holy Gemrons, they take so many hits!

  8. It took me years to beat the demon shaft as a kid… in fact I remember being scared of the eerie feeling in the demon shaft so much that I had beaten DC2's Zelmite mines before I returned to the demon shaft.


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