Danielle Smith vs Trudeaus failing government on Alberta pensions. Referendum on the way?

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34 thoughts on “Danielle Smith vs Trudeaus failing government on Alberta pensions. Referendum on the way?”

  1. Personally, I've always felt that the right to opt out of cpp, ei plans AND deductions should've been allowed… cpp oas…USELESS! If you have $1.00 of income , they " claw " you back, denying you the money YOU paid & is rightfully yours. Just give me ALL I paid into it… WITH interest. NOW !

  2. ❤ that Danielle Smith need to clone her & have her in every province instead of the corrupt low IQ liberal dupes we now endure . Why people cant learn from there mistakes look at the mayor of Toronto. So sad 😢😢 . Could get ugly .

  3. I guess it’s time to move to Alberta where I can have a pension plan. That’ll actually take care of me and not go to all of those parasite politicians on the hill in Ottawa Ontario Canada.

  4. Filming and Public is a crime. Let’s talk about that that’s in the charter of rights section to be now go out and film the police and see what happens and throw you in jail destroy your life steal all your money and legal fees. It’s a joke this country is a joke, Canada is a joke let’s celebrate and clap at the house of commons as we let in a war criminal a Nazi and let’s turn black face to red face Mr. dress-up the one and only Prime Minister Trudeau has destroyed this country

  5. Alberta is delusional…Im sure you can make your own pension fund, and I also seriously doubt that you will be getting 340b from the CPP. Yes you paid into it, ans yes you have already used it, Its like trying to return a half eaten hamburger to Mcdonalds and demanding a refund…poor business practice, Take your oil sands tax revenues and create your own pension fund on top of the exisiting one.

  6. Danielle Smith has it right on "Throwing hard working Canadians under the bus to placate left wing hardline enviros". Come try making a living commercial fishing in BC, without consultation the Prime Liberal guy is going to shut the door on 30% of coastal BC. Never even asked about perhaps some of the best managed fisheries in the world. Plus he is stealing, what is it now?, 41 cents a liter in carbon taxes while I try to produce high quality seafood. The result you pay more for your salmon and I have to eat the carbon tax…who wins in this situation?

  7. I can see that Danielle Smith is trying to do a lot of good things HOWEVER, she's picking and choosing things that have the highest optical value. She campaigned on helping the most vulnerable because she knew she needed the votes. She knew that most people on welfare or AISH believe the NDP care about them more and historically thats been true, but it isn't anymore. The thing is most people on Welfare or AISH don't pay attention to politics much especially people on AISH, they're sick and most are on a ton of medication, politics is the last thing on their minds. But the UCP has a track record of not caring about us and she knew all of this and used it promising to take care of us first but now we no longer matter. There are 2 very serious issues that the UCP created that are causing serious problems for people on AISH. When the UCP took over with Jason Kenny at the wheel the first thing they did was change our payment date to the first of the month. Now you might think, so what, what's the big deal? At least you're still getting your money. It caused HUGE problems and it still is. There used to be a 3 business day buffer. I've had my check not deposit just on a glitch. Back then we had the buffer so my rent wasn't late because of it but now if my check didnt go in I wouldn't see it for a minimum of 3 days! God forbid it happens on a Friday of a long weekend! Imagine the issues it would cause just with payments bouncing all over the place! Now that the payment date is the first if your check doesn't deposit and you have a nasty landlord you're in a heap of trouble! This is just one of a host of issues this has caused but it's a huge one! I used to be an advocate for people on welfare in BC. When this happened I spoke to 2 AISH workers, a supervisor, and 2 advocates NO ONE could figure out why they did this. The only explanation I came up with after all this time was that somehow they captured a bit of money by doing it, I mean why do they do anything? Money, it's always about money!
    Also, after Danielle Smith won I wrote a letter about this and other issues to her office. I got the reply "The date will remain as is." That's all. No explanation. I don't deserve one, I'm poor and not worthy of it.
    I don't wish this upon anyone but the reason so many are worried about UBI is because they don't want to be in the same position that people on welfare and disability have been in since the very beginning. I believe that nothing is going to change until the people who have always turned a blind eye towards people like me find out exactly what it's like. So many people resent people on welfare. Do you know a single person on welfare in Alberta gets under $900.00 per month? How does anyone live on that?!
    I get $2292.00 on AISH. That's including a rent subsidy of $350.00 my rent is $975.00 my power bill just went up from approximately $100.00 a month to $140.00!! I live alone, I'm really good at turning off the lights behind me, I haven't changed anything about my normal habits and the bill is from August! It was supposed to be summer!! You know, cheaper because the days are longer and you just use less power. I live in an apartment, no outside activities or anything like that! Please tell me how someone on welfare would manage on less than $900.00?!! Now do you understand homelessness and drug addiction?!! They have no hope!!
    This September 1st I found out that AISH will no longer provide meal replacements as a benefit. This information came to me through my pharmacy NOT my worker as it should have. This in itself is a huge problem and I verfied it on the government website for AISH. It's right there in black and white. I have had a prescription for it for years due to a botched surgery in 2013. I am assuming that the reason they did this is because they had an uptick in people getting prescriptions for it because they're trying to survive. Damn those poor people trying to survive eh?! (Read sarcasm)
    My point is that while it seems on the surface that she's doing all the right things I promise you there are things being ignored and people suffering in the background. There always is. Look into the UCP looking into the Alberta Prosperity Project. It's where they got a lot of information regarding separation. The APP was not supposed to be about politicians taking us into separation, it's about the people doing it and be careful about what you believe about Chris Scott he has political ambitions.

  8. She should also open up a Alberta sovereign bank, asset backed that moves us away from Rothschild banking control. Create a freedom blockchain coin that works for trading with Brics nations and within Alberta. Decentralized.

  9. Yes she is a power house but what happens to those who work in Alberta and don’t reside there how would this affect those people. Will you have to live in Alberta to receive this pension or do you pay into cpp instead of APP

  10. Anybody ever notice how Premiere Smith, never reads notes from a cornflakes box or a canned talk,
    she's a "Long tall woman in a black dress" she's got it all. All that oppose her and have something to lose are terrified of her and so they should be.

  11. The CPP has been performing incredibly for years. I wish my personal investments did as well. Why would I leave? Also, you don't put all your eggs in one basket (oil&gas) ever. And if this were to happen, all Alberta's would be forced to support O&G forever no matter what they did, so we'd get our pensions. No one industry should have that power.


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