Drought in Europe threatens major shipping river | DW News

The Rhine is an important shipping route for raw materials such as grain, chemicals, minerals, coal and oil products including fuel …


28 thoughts on “Drought in Europe threatens major shipping river | DW News”

  1. We are all falling into the perfect storm, lack of supply, lack of water, cost of fuel, cost of utilities, high cost of food, people are protesting their workers rights, transport is affected also by weather, War in ukraine and other conflicts, wild fires and human caused fires. NO FUTURE.

  2. Obama is flying around in a helicopter, scooping water out of the rivers and pouring it in the oceans. That's why rivers are drying up and oceans are rising. It's obvious if you think about it. 🙈🙉🙊

  3. We had an old man around 1910 who saw visions of the future. He would tell his daughter who wrote everything down. He saw how millions of Europeans fled from Europe and came to South Africa.

  4. Some rock carvings called “hunger stones”
    from 1616 were uncovered from the receding water levels. They said : “If you can see this , then weep.” I believe we’re in a world wide cycle .

  5. I want to say in the eastern coast of america we had a wonderful summer with normal temperature and plenty of rain (in fact more rain than usual) and no heat wave. This summer is totally normal even mild.

  6. Come to Canada. We can't mow the lawn due to water. No one seems to realize the impact. Sump pumps running almost nonstop. It is relentless. Most snow last winter due to the Grand Solar Minimum. Grass is 3 feet high, mowers can't keep up. Drive on the lawn and you leave ruts. Mosquitoes come in flocks. Looking forward to a drought next year but that a long shot. Highways are washed out. Have to watch the edge of gravel roads when traffic coming from the opposite direction or you're in the ditch. Rural residents will be slapped with a 40% property tax increase. When I have some good news, that is, drought I'll post. But on the bright side I found our fogger so I might be able to move around in the garage after I kill those f**king skeeters.


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