Custodes PoV on Balance Update Sept 2023

0:29 – Gamewide changes
4:40 – Custode changes
7:30 – Point changes that dont matter
9:58 – Point changes that do matter
14:27 – Analysis
17:40 – How has our playstyle changed?
21:23 – How has the rest of the game changed?
29:10 – What do I suggest running then as Custodes?
30:01 – Why do I like this specific composition?


22 thoughts on “Custodes PoV on Balance Update Sept 2023”

  1. IMO world eaters are gonna be bad news for the post patch custodes. You now have less bodies and they are gonna straight up have another 10 berzerkers, or another tank, or more 8bound. Lack of cheap fight first in addition to the smaller squad size means it's not gonna be so easy to beat them down before they kill your units due to sheer number of attacks, not to mention MoE gonna straight up chop custodians now, and with the need for custodians to be the ones charging now… That's an ouchie waiting to happen.

  2. what are your thoughts on Valerian as our cheapest HQ choice and us not being as all powerful in melee now do you think he has play? apologies if you covered him in the video i was listening while painting and may have missed that part.

  3. That is awesome breakdown, thx!

    Updates to your Callidus video is an awesome idea!

    Assuming you have one 6 man unit of Venetari it the list that you have presented, what would protect (other than Witchseekers as they vanish too easily) your backfield objective? Or what would go back to it after your oppnonets deep strikes? Wardens want to be in the middle. You probably do not want to use 6 man Venetari for that because they need to deal damage to oppononet's backfield/squishies. Smaller units of Allarus are usually perfect for this purpose with Golden Light ability.

    I think you also cannot use sticky objectives when your Wardens bricks are inside Land raiders so 1 unit of Witchseekers must stay in the back.

  4. Unsure about the venetari, 30pts more than 5 guards+BC, sameish suvivability, slightly longer threat range, lower output with loosing reroll to wound. Seems only necessaey if the free RI CP is really needed.

  5. now landraiders just have to be in stock… (my local store got like 1 on the last few months) btw what are your thoughts on Armigers as fire support? I'm thinking about taking one or two as better cheaper dreadnoughts and they still look good even if they got 5-10 points more expensive

  6. Appreciate the spear profile is objectively better in melee and has assault on its shooting but is there no absolutely no benefit to taking pistols and buckler on the Vens at all? Would the extra wounds from the shield be helpful?

  7. Orks are going to be a problem. Dev wounds everywhere on cheap models. I watched a 160 pts beast boss on squigasaur one tap the lion this weekend. He had to fight on death but the lion barely killed him and he absolutely dumpstered the lion.

  8. To touch on your comment on overwhelming firepower is spot on. Played a tournament this weekend and got blown off the board. Unit of 5 wardens and Trajann with their 4+/5+ feel no pain shot off by a riptide.

  9. With the nerfs to knighta and titanic while buffing votann (and their einhyr) we will see more emphasis on anti infantry in the meta, lists will be built not directly targeting custodes but will actually still counter then regaress.

  10. For wardens, i Run them as all axes (as well as my Allarus) but Im have issues with their killing power. my only luck was to put Trajon with them and use them as a fpn meat shield for trajon. Would you recommend putting any characters with axe units? or should I just leave my axe guys as base units? Also love the vids. they have helped me a ton in learning this army. While they are "Simple" I find them to be quite difficult on the table without just running the meta build.

  11. In the video you mentioned bikes being capped at 3 as less interesting. But we still have the FW Agamatus bikes that can still be brought in 6 man squads and are the same points cost at 80 ppm. Give them a captain with ceaseless hunter, plus their move shoot move ability and that's some very good movement shenanigans.what are your thoughts?


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