My Life on The Road, Ep 21, Pt 2 – Key West, Fl – Robert The Doll, Rokisland Fest

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28 thoughts on “My Life on The Road, Ep 21, Pt 2 – Key West, Fl – Robert The Doll, Rokisland Fest”

  1. Did that guy in the blue just skip past you? lol. Spirit can not possess dolls or people. I'm glad Johnny had a clean pair of under ware on his head. That Trixter cover band was awesome. Are you sure the golf cart ride wasn't a deleted scene from a new Spinal Tap movie? Another awesome tour diary.

  2. 44:32 EM: What a jerk (Johnny used to tech for Paul Gilbert decades ago). Johnny's visually distracting response is genius 😁 Eric's pipes sound seriously on the wane there… Another great diary Jason, thanks 🙏

  3. Those four-legged snakes are creepy.
    You and Johnny kept your cool through a tough ride. Dang. But I guess it was not as bad as a one legged man pushing a wheelbarrow up a hill. No such thing as a free ride.
    Thank you for making these videos and sharing you, Johnny and Stephen's adventures.


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