Could A UK Carrier Group Survive A Huge Iranian Fast Boat Swarm? (Naval Battle 126) | DCS

Today we run a British Carrier Strike Group through the Persian Gulf where they will be ambushed by sixty Iranian Fast Attack Craft.


0:00 Scenario Details
5:32 Battle


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THANK YOU TO: Mission Makers, Admin, Staff, Helpers, Donators & Viewers(without which, this could not happen) xx

#GRNavalBattle #DCSNavalBattle #Iran #SM6 #f35 #LightningII #GR #DCSWorld #Aviation #AircraftCarrier #AviationGaming #FlightSimulators #Military #DCS #Stealth #5thgen


39 thoughts on “Could A UK Carrier Group Survive A Huge Iranian Fast Boat Swarm? (Naval Battle 126) | DCS”

  1. The usual grouping for an aircraft carrier is two anti-air ships, at least two anti-submarine ships, an auxiliary/supply ship, and a submarine wandering around somewhere.

  2. oh, i liked The Diplomat. i think it could've used a little less relationship and sexual tension type drama, but I'm on the ace spectrum, so i think that of a lot of shows. i would like to make a correction to something you say in your intro, though. the ship wasn't transiting; they were on open water, moving planes around the flight deck, apparently preparing for flight ops (this is the literal first scene of the series, so i don't consider this a spoiler). you said something else that was wrong, too, but i don't want to correct it, as you're clearly still on the first few episodes, and i don't want to be here handing out spoilers.

  3. I wish I would have gotten the Harrier during the Lunar sale. I got all warbirds instead and one chopper, the Hind. I had only Allied warbirds and wanted some counterbalance. I got all three German birds. Anyways, in case anyone wonders how a million dollar missile can miss such an easy target is DCS itself. There's a randomizer program that tries to make it more realistic. It's frustrating AF when you shoot a Sidewinder perfectly and even though no flares or chaff were used and the target was plodding along in a straight line, it still misses. That's the randomizer at work. Occasionally it will work in your favor, but not often.

  4. LOVE the channel and GR ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป

    I like to put on vids and pick up my guitar to write Black/Death metal riffs, so GR boom-boom is going to good use

    Are there enough WW2 tank assets in DCS for GR to do a King Of The Hill sessions circa WW2? I ask because plot twist: I don't even play DCS because my computer is for Home Studio and not gaming, so I'll have to live vicariously through GR ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿป

  5. Cap & GR Team…a suggestion. For deconfliction of missile targets, is it possible to get the naval ships to "dribble out" missile launches?? Fire 4 or 5 missiles, wait for detonation on target, then launch another 4 or 5? This would only be for surface to surface engagement due to time between closing ranges but would ensure much more accurate targeting and less waste of missiles. Also, wouldn't a helo or 3 from the Arleigh Burke as an option be more fun for your pilots and add a bit of a change up for your spectators?

  6. Re do fight with previously suggested cluster bombs. Then an SR72 mach 7 low level pass over swarm to see if that works too.
    What would a modern AV88 be like with stealth coating and more powerful engine. Plus give your AI aircraft guns for back up ๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. You know, it would be interesting to do a modernized F4G1 from 60's/70's Britain with modern missiles and AESA radar if that's possible to mod, and see if it could contend with modern fighters after being up-gunned. I also wonder if a modernized F4G1 could beat an F35B in a dogfight with modern heat seekers and/or guns only. That may be a really fun match to watch! Discovered GR earlier this week while recovering from a back injury and y'all are a riot to watch and got me to download DCS for the first time and try it out. Respect from Texas, keep up the good work y'all!

  8. This needs a bit more spice…… You all need to Tom Clancy up the story.

    U.S. looking for a reason to invade Iran but cannot politically afford the loss of a U.S. CVN plans a CTF mission with the UK CV and promises to provide support for the UK CV to transit the Straight but then doesn't, leaving the CV exposed to Iranian actors.

  9. Twelve aircraft on board a QE carrier is the reality – the Royal Navy and the RAF only have thirty five F-35B pilots between them, what isn't real is twelve aircraft being available – being F-35B if you can get six out of twelve off the deck – you're doing well. I don't think we have AIM-120D – we didn't buy it because we were expecting short-fin Meteor to be available by now – which of course is late – as well as being useless to F-35 until block 4 which won't be until 2027-2028. So our F-35's are flying around with block B and C AMRAAM – the same missiles Sea Harrier had when it left service.

    To attack fast boats of course the UK would be using Brimstone from the air – but it's not integrated with F-35 until – block 4.

    Type 45s don't have NSM yet and the Harpoons were removed.

    The reality is The Royal Navy and the RAF have been gutted to fund the two floating white elephants and the hopeless aircraft on board them.

    As to the mission, we'd have no chance stopping such a swarm attack – none.

  10. The Type 45 currently has little to no defence against such a swam attack. Had idiot Cameron's government not cancelled the RADAR guided smart airburst capability of Type 45s main gun – we could have dealt with threats like this cheaply and easily. As it stands Type 45s are sitting ducks.

  11. Can I run mods on a the non open beta version of DCS? I've downloaded several mods, and added them into the Saved Games folder as necessary, but none of the mods seem to function, and I keep on getting verification errors…

  12. Cap – you should have maintained more forward speed on approach to the carrier. You may have been heavy, but with air over the wings you would have had more lift and would have survived. You came in at 82 degrees nozzle and let the airspeed decay too much.


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