Cookies N' Cream. Duh Babies Daddy.

Having cats is a responsibility that take time, effort, and funding. Having Jack (my baby boy and pride and joy,) trying to intagrate Dreamy Girl into the family, and then the suprise of the two kittens, Cookies N’ Cream (Cn’C) had to be taken to the Humane Society. He had been a stray for at least 2 years in my trailer park and when I found him he was fairly thin. I had spare cat food from Jack changing food, so I decided to feed him. A week later Dreamy Girl showed up and stole my heart. Cat’s like Cookies N’ Cream deserve respect. Poor boy had a really rough life and he is such a friendly, smart, loving cat. Treat animals with the kind of respect that you would show your brother because they have hardships in life just like us and might just need someone to offer help to get a better life. I love you Cookies N’ Cream.

Update 10/25/2023: Cookies N’ Cream had to be put to sleep because of health complications, his stray temperament, and injuries to a humane society employee. o
One the entire summer, the cat I knew was smart, friendly, and loving. He would usually be waiting for me every morning I woke up, every night I came home, and always said “hello.” Alone for most of his life and scared near the end I only wish I could have done more for him. Rest In Piece, Park King.


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