All 5 Generations of Avatars in Pandora Explained

The Avatars were not created in an instant, there were a series of experiments, cloning, development and research that made a total of 4 generations of Avatars to be more precise to the na’vi plus a hybrid that cements the deal. So check this video out on the 5 generations of Avatars in pandora.


43 thoughts on “All 5 Generations of Avatars in Pandora Explained”

  1. We've sen what human beings have done with Pandoran genetic information, but what will Eywa do with human genetic information?
    Part of the answer is Kiri, and that's no small thing, but I anticipate there is much more to come. Perhaps it will be possible to engineer organisms capable of interfacing with human minds directly and thereby provide them with a connection to nature that they have hitherto lacked and in so doing change their self-destructive tendencies.

  2. One question probably no one has ever asked themselves: what happens to a Navi if you cut this mind connection cord they have growing from the back of their head? They can no longer connect with any creature or the spirit trees?

  3. No cap this is super freaky when explained. The humans feel more like aliens than the na'vi. Imagine aliens were using human avatars around us right now and we don't know it. 💀

  4. The fingers and toes is probably a bit like polydactyly. Na'vi genes are stronger so most of the Avatar body looks like a Na'vi due to the phenotype, but polydactyly is a dominant condition, so if something like that occured due it would also be a physical difference as well. So human fingers n toes.

  5. I like to think that Grace's Avatar has a higher concentration of human DNA because of its earlier creation in the programme. This is why she has more human-like features such Sigourney's tiny nose/general closer facial structure as they were still figuring out the best ratio of Human:Navi genes.

  6. Watching The Way of Water, I noticed that Neteyan has four fingers and toes, even being a hybrid I think the number of fingers are a quite random. The other Sully's children has five fingers, including Kiri that is little different type of hybrid, cause she have no father and, possible was born spontaneously.

  7. Im just surprised and still looking for elaboraton on how the Na’vi’s weren’t going hysterical and how did they accepted that there is an alien clone of their biological traits and they just call them devils, i wouldve lost my mind if something like that happens here.

  8. HELL IS REAL !!! Where will you go when you die? Heaven or Hell? We can not hide our sins from God. Jesus Christ loves you and He died for our sins. We must repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ if we want to be set free and saved from Hell. MARK 1:15 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

  9. Kiri’s father is not a father, her father is another mother, Eywa, the Great Mother, the sentient life force of Pandora itself that exists in all things there, but is rarely understood. So essentially yes, Kiri was born from Eywa just like Anakin Skywalker was allegedly conceived by the Force itself and its midichlorians.


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