Conflicting accounts over sinking of Russia's flagship Moskva

There are still conflicting stories about what happened to the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet – the Moskva.
Ukraine says its missiles hit the ship, but Russia maintains it sank while being towed away after a fire on board.
Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull takes a look at some images that may provide answers.

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33 thoughts on “Conflicting accounts over sinking of Russia's flagship Moskva”

  1. Very poetic that Russia bragged about its wunderwaffe "hypersonic missiles" then loses their Black Sea flagship to "obsolete" subsonic missiles.

    Also very telling that Russian damage control drill apparently consists of rushing to Telegram to insist the ship was never hit.

  2. انت تقول ان الاقصى مقدس عندك وانتم تشغبون وتكسرون الاقصى تقولون يوسف هو نبيكم ولا تكسرون القبر وتحرقون المجمع فتقولون موسى هو نبيكم وتقومون بحفلة مخدرات. هناك فلسطينيون صنعوا فيلم في رمضان عن الجنس والعري أمام ملايين المسلمين فقط يظهر أنك من نسل الرومان والمريخيين.

  3. The Admiral has been raped, beaten and jailed by the KGB/FSB gang of Pooty Poot Putin. No wonder after his incomprehensible incompetence! This ship is has the biggest defence in existence! AND THEY DID NOTHING!

  4. We laugh at the fate of Moskva – but what onboard a British Type 45 is going to stop a sea skimming missile? (Don’t get me started on Phalanx – it doesn’t work.) It’s arguable that the Type 45 is even more at risk against sea skimmers than the last of the Type 42s – at least they had Sea Wolf and Mod 1 onwards Sea Darts were also very good in this role. To rub salt into the wounds Type 45 doesn’t even have anti-ship capabilities now. Harpoon has been removed (which is being given to the Ukrainians!)

    Things that should happen ASAP.

    -4x the CIWS version of Starstreak to replace Phalanx.

    -Reinstate the vital RADAR guided naval gun project – consider a secondary future project to add coaxial 20mm cannons on the 4inchers while you’re there to replace some of the tasks Phalanx ought to be able to do but doesn’t. RADAR guided naval guns will be cheap, reliable replenishable-at-sea defence against nuisance drones (saving valuable air defence missiles).

    -Fit Sea Ceptor NOW – not a minute to lose.

    -Full fitment (6) of machine guns on every vessel. (Can’t believe they penny-pinch on GPMGs!)

    -Get the MdCNs (replacing Harpoon) fitted NOW! If they are not available put Harpoon back on.

  5. Parabéns Ucrânia pelo tiro certeiro no mega cruzador Moscou. Foi a distância de 65 milhas ou 100 km de Odessa. Foi um grande tiro para ficar na história das guerras nav

  6. Ah yes, it wasn't the missile, it was the fire caused by the missile see.
    "No officer, I didn't kill the pedestrian. The pedestrian was still alive when I hit him with the car, the collision with the street light killed him, so I'm not guilty!"

  7. Its a disgrace Russia is outright lying to its own people and servicemen…
    Hail King Putin.. Your people must be very scared… i mean Proud
    Mr Putin there's an old English saying "You can not Con an honest Man" Meaning You can not fight an honest War !

  8. PUT IT BACK IN THE BOX! I Jehovah the One Man Centre Union and Original Owner of all Crowns & Money including all Family Coat of Arms and all Castles & Palaces around the World can begin to open Myself then my 126 Royal Twin Brothers and my Kidnapped/Adopted Royal German Twin Babies until then put everything you got back in Boxes because the Future won't employ with it or keep any of it." ― יהוה "Ken" King Jehovah Hohenzollern (King Santa Claus)

  9. moscova…two missles. hms sheffield one missle, didn't even explode just burned, plus five other brit ships struck by one or two bombs. uss stark two missles, one exploded the other burned. uss cole dingy blast. all those ships put out of action with two hits or less. and they are small vessels. aircraft carries subjected to saturation attacks…toast.

  10. The Moskva the Moskva, you tro-lls can only talk about that old ship? Dude, Ukraine lost its ENTIRE Navy and almost ENTIRE Air force, and you guys keep coming to the same old news.. The Moskva the Moskva the Moskva lol


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