'Complete baloney': Government and Defence in 'design competition' for submarines

The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan has slammed Australia’s Defence for entering into a “design competition” as manufacturers are confronted with “endless” changing requirements for military vehicles.

“The industry has a legitimate gripe in Australia that they never get a straight order,” he told Sky News Australia host Peta Credlin.

When asked if he thought Australia would buy manufactured submarines ’off the shelf’, Mr Sheridan replied, “there’s no chance of that at all”.

“For reasons that are unfathomable, we are going to have a tender process – a design competition,” he said.

“They are just having a lend of us – they are just pulling our legs – this is complete baloney.”


28 thoughts on “'Complete baloney': Government and Defence in 'design competition' for submarines”

  1. Socialist Incompetents Albanese & Marles announced this half arsed Boat announcement to try to cover Far Left Socialist Labors appalling performance on Border Protection

    Ass covering by ideologue morons with zero common-sense!
    Albanese knows what gstring he will be wearing to Taylor Swifts gig but doesnt have a clue re our Economy and Borders.
    Mans a lefty peanut

  2. It will probably take two years for the RAN to select a preferred vessel, then at least 3 years to 'Australianise' the design, and then around five years to build the first ship. It looks like the navy will only receive their first frigate sometime around 2034. I wonder whether the Peoples Liberation Army Navy will pause their own warship construction to allow Australia to keep up?

    if the RAN truly mean to buy 'off the shelf', then this timetable could be advanced by up to 4 years by reducing the selection period and eliminating Australianisation. I would expect the ships would cost significantly fewer dollars as well.

  3. We have tiny funding available for Defence, where there is a desperate need. How does that amount compare to the amount we plough into NDIS? Or what we pump into daycare. Is it possible, we need to make some realignment here? Interesting that NDIS has gone to silent running now, no budgets or numbers are ever mentioned. It's almost like they hope we wont notice the absence of information.

  4. I have no love of Defence procurement, however having spent a few years working with them I need to point out that the procurement system they use is mandated by the government. The Government can change the process with a pen-stroke, but they don’t. Imagine how inconvenient Albanese and Chalmers would find it if that $11B was actually spent while they were still in government and had to actually pony up the money.

  5. I can build balsa ships really cheap🤣
    Marles demands excellence from his department and the ADF, what an absolute joke. My grandson is an ADF member; I feel so sorry for all ADF members having clowns like Albo and Marles as their "leaders".

  6. I have said it for a long time the Subs planned for Australia are just that plans, they have no intention of acquiring these subs they are far to expensive to buy, make let alone operate, when it comes to defense we are a third world country, we have closed all our ship building major yards around Australia, we had a thriving business, they can't build this up again especially with the stupid renewable project, they are all full of crap, because they know they wont be in power when this is supposed to come into reality, its a PIPE DREAM

  7. Not to worry, the Captains, Commodores and Admirals will still be lining up for the gongs and promotions they so richly do not deserve, as they go through the rigmarole of ship selection and its equipment. All this of course will blow that 65 Million budget into triple digits with no problem at all through the absolute incompetence of the dills in Government and the Senior Officers of the ADF.

  8. we could go to dcn or other European that are building ships now and but of the construction line, but the best option is the Japanese light frights which they are producing 4 plus a year we could have 5 to 6 in 2 years to replace Anzacs

  9. It’s all a lip service game to appear they have some grasp of the situation to appease the politically unsophisticated electorate. Complete pretenders. These people have no idea how to run anything.
    This what happens when too many low IQ people get the vote with little intuition and critical thinking. Complete chaos.
    Imagine if there was a conflict would you really want these buffoons calling the shots?

  10. I personally am very tired of the government saying one thing that sounds like "it's all happening" only to find out it will happen years from now. I just hope I live to see when these people are signing us over to become citizens of a foriegn power that decided to invade us…
    Watching Halo is closer to reality than our government.


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