Cobb County, Georgia sheriff speaks ahead of video release of Tyre Nichols Memphis beating

Police around the nation – including here in metro Atlanta – are bracing for potential unrest this weekend amid social crosscurrents that could bring protesters out into the streets.

Cobb County Sheriff Craig Owens is set to hold a news conference Friday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. to speak in support of Tyre Nichols’ family and the Memphis, Tenn. community. Tennessee authorities said Nichols died days after being beaten during a traffic stop. Five Memphis officers have since been charged in the death and fired from the job.

The case has generated nationwide interest as video of the traffic stop is expected to be released Friday evening. This comes on the heels of Atlanta having its own demonstrations last weekend.

Gov. Brian Kemp issued a state of emergency Thursday, just five days after violence broke out during a protest in Downtown Atlanta that was centered around a police shooting that killed a person at the future site of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center this month.

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37 thoughts on “Cobb County, Georgia sheriff speaks ahead of video release of Tyre Nichols Memphis beating”

  1. Man this is a joke, and black people are the mark. It’s funny now that it’s black officers who beat a dude everybody is on board to prosecute, but when it’s a white cop beating or shooting a black man we need to wait and see before we pass judgment on the police. The media and the government should be ashamed of this BS. Not all of us are blind to what propaganda you guys are pushing.

  2. you guys have to pay for the death of that young man. But it’s so funny how they showed a picture of the police and they come to a decision quickly. When is a black officer opposed to a white officer …a bad cop is a bad cop, no matter who they are and what color they are I want you to come to those conclusions quickly you take for to show the video tape when it involves the white cop /man kills the black ones‼️‼️‼️

  3. My point is, when is it necessary for striking another person with aggressive violent hitting? I thought the objective was to Neutralize the threat, search for Weapons and overall act Human once that threat is eliminated. It is called "responsible and professional" behavior. That "stop resisting" is an obvious excuse for aggression and unnecessary force. It is just not the right way to perform "serve and protect”. This behavior should be addressed in training. It simply isn’t working. I can’t imagine anyone punching me! No one has the right to take out anger and aggression on us. Even suspected suspicious citizens who are “innocent until proven guilty” in a court of law, deserves to be treated fairly after restraint is achieved. Anger is a personal feeling within our power and control.

  4. 'We're so outraged … we're going to steal shoes, liquor and TV's' — Protestors…These five black cops are the new face of “white supremacy”… Time to show our outrage by trashing liquor stores, stealing alcohol, tennis shoes, and TVs…white liberals who incite racism and violence against whites are so upset that it was 5 black cops and not 5 white cops now they pretend they care about 1 ghetto black getting killed so pathetic

  5. This video is a complete waste of time, they don't show the video. How about instead of making tons of videos of people talking about the video, you just show us the fucking video?

  6. They seem really nonchalant about the whole thing. No shame in there gang. I guess these gang banger's felt they could and possibly can still get away with murder…..Therein lies the problem. Do something about it before hand, not after another murder. Damn good thing there was video, That's why they are so transparent, Not because they want to be but because they have to be. Now those people that supplied the video have to worry…and so goes the cycle…

  7. I'm a resident of this county. That sheriff is right to be scared – they deprive folks of necessary medical care in the jail. They've had close to a dozen folks dragged out of cells dead or dying. I've caught police officers in lies. I've personally witnessed Cobb police officers jumping peaceful people from behind. I've beat over a dozen false charges in that county.

    Cobb County delivers everyday injustice and rights violations.

    And there is no way to contact the sheriff directly to demand changes.

    Their words mean nothing absent concrete steps taken towards change.
    They are so scared they're having their press conference inside.

  8. Nice that these chiefs can laugh and have a good time. All of this is getting old. We see cowards with badges kill us citizens. When is enough enough. My God their are way to many bad apples. It's mind boggling

  9. show me the good cop in any of the 4 videos. that fictional good cop was not there that night. where was he or she? wish that chief would have been there, maybe it would have looked different. all the good cops must make a stand against the blueline gang and the unions that has created the above the law mentality that ruined law enforcement's honor and pride as defenders of the people's rights and freedoms

  10. Cops are nothing but the henchmen of this corrupt government!!! Do you really believe for one second that anything will change??? Never…this has been going on for centuries. Too many cop sucking bootlickers running around with their back the blue signs. Even the cops have decimated the American flag with their new black white and blue nazi thin blue line flag. Absolutely disgusting!!!!!!!

  11. As it is, this man, as well as George Floyd, resisted until they died. As well as those around them

    For the times of persecution to come, do not resist, then you may see what is needed for everyone.

    For those who are willing, hear and understand.

    When a relative sees a child sick, they drop what they are doing to nurse them back to help.

    During these times of depression, harassment and Covid; the magnitude of nurturing has increased greatly.

    However, the treatment is not always correct, and may often have the opposite affect.

    Relatives may decide to loose sleep, limit the time they spend eating, drinking high caffeine related products to stay by those who are sick.

    These treatments are also reflected in ways of life, one may see something dark happen, and stop working, and go out into the streets. Accept this time, they give up their hearts, they use violent words to bring in life. A highly caffeinated source of righteousness, with damaging moments of withdrawal.

    They don’t sleep out of worry of the safety for the rest of the world, just like a relative may go anytime they hear the cough, sneeze, or in this case a popular controversial issue.

    Again they don’t eat the nutrition of hopes and endurance, because they wish to stay on alert, however a high fasting source of awareness, often opens the door to irritability, if one tries to fast before counting one’s limitations, as well as not recognizing what they are fasting for.

    This is not the time to go out. Just like a relative may end up sick from trying to take care of their own without a set path; those who go out now to help the world, are increasing the sickness.

    Even when they see healing happening, they do not recognize it, because now they need equal or greater treatment.

    The son of man is almost back, stay awake. Remember the walk of Selma, not every walk is worth taking, don’t go to the courts. The words and wealth they use are highly caffeinated desires of man that have horrible consequences of withdrawal, even enough to start the greatest of riots and wars.

    This is not a time for protests, stay in, those who endure until the end, May find what they need.

    If you need to heal, go to these people now who offer modest words and a steady path towards healing.

    Hospitals tend to be their busiest at night and on weekdays. but they tend to be greatly attentive to everyone’s needs, and are the most straight forward on the goal then.

    Use that time to go to the people who may heal you now. Friends, neighbors, study groups. There is still enough light and compassion their, to get the needs met, if you search earnestly.

    Children tend to get better, they have a higher immune system than grown ups. What grown ups tend to forget, is that it is the child like characteristics of their own body, that lead them to heal as well.

    But the more one limits the potential of their own child with their words, the child ends up loosing something early on, that they may never get back.

    These storms are almost over, don’t be afraid. Somethings last forever, including those who follow this path.

    Time is limited though, no one who ignores these messages, are prepared for what comes next.

    Matthew 24

  12. It probably wasn't even racism. These cops shared the same skin color as Tyre. But my first thought when i heard these cops beat down a brother this bad, I thought this was some personal retaliation about a woman or gang activity (i.e. maybe the cops were doing drug activity or something and Tyre could snitch or was on their turf or something….who knows).

    But all I know is that that the media needs to stop releasing death videos of blackpeople.

    It's sick and it doesn't help us get justice.

    It just desensitizes people and makes money or social media profits for people.

    They don't raise awareness. People specifically support criminal and bad police more than ever since all these murder videos came out. All the way since the Emmitt Till days.

    Stop it

  13. I wish there was some way could pre-declare that I give no one permission to release my child's last moments, or my last moments, to the general public for any reason.

    I don't blame the families that do give permission. But I feel like alot of them aren't even asked.

    And I feel like when these videos are released, they don't secure any more justice than if they hadn't been.

  14. Now maybe the Black community will stop coddling dangerous black men within their ranks.

    Our men are beating our girls and women, but the community protects those guys.

    Our men are preying on and selling drugs to our youth, but too many men and women protect those guys.

    Kanye west defended Derek Chauvin and said George Floyd deserved to die and Kanye yelled at George's widow/ex on Instagram and told her to shut up and stop saying the murder was real and that cops can ever do anything wrong.

    Yet the community defended Kanye and they still pray for his success.

    Kanye who hangs out with nick Fuentes and says the military or vigilantes should go into black neighborhoods and shoot us because not enough of us vote republican.

    Kanye supports that, and because he's rich and famous, black people support HIM. At their own peril.

    We have got to start holding bad black men (and their women supporters) accountable.

    There are too many good black men, boys, girls, and women being brought down by them!!!!!


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