Citadel Archives: Clone Wars – Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough Ep. 38 [Legendary Edition]

In this episode of our Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough, we hunt our mysterious attacker through the Citadel Archives and all the way to the Normandy in an attempt to stop our identity theft. Full Playlist:

Our Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough of the Legendary Edition on Insanity difficulty continues! We uncover the identity of the mysterius figure hunting us and learn that Shepard has a clone! During a thrilling hunt through the Citadel Archives, we also find out that Staff Analyst Brooks was secretly working for him the entire time and attempt to stop both of them from seizing control of the Normandy and usurping Shepard’s identity for good. During a final showdown in the Normandy’s cargo hold, we eventually defeat our clone and decide the fate of him and Brooks.

Achievements in Part 38 of the Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough:
• Team Player
• Last Resort

0:00 Intro
0:41 Citadel Archives
7:18 Mysterious Figure Revealed
10:57 Archives Escape
35:06 Target Found
42:15 Retaking the Normandy
49:58 Kelly Chambers
53:52 CIC Fight
56:40 Final Showdown
01:08:06 Apartment Aftermath
01:11:00 Outro

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In this 100 percent completionist Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough, we will complete all Mass Effect 3 missions and assignments on Insanity difficulty, the highest difficulty setting in Mass Effect 3. On Insanity difficulty, enemies will be deadly and aggressive, have extra protection, and frequently use tech and biotic powers. Careful strategy and clever tactics will be required to succeed and whenever possible, I will try to explain our approach, making this walkthrough a Mass Effect 3 Insanity Guide.

This Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough was recorded in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. In the Legendary Edition, Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 have been bundled together and have received numerous small visual and gameplay changes. In Mass Effect 3, the most notable changes are the removal of the multiplayer mode and the integration of all available DLC into the Mass Effect 3 main story. As a result, this Insanity Walkthrough will also cover all downloadable content.

As we proceed through this Walkthrough of Mass Effect 3 on Insanity difficulty, we will also focus on unlocking every single achievement in the game. While some of the achievements in Mass Effect 3 have been reworked for the Legendary Edition, almost all of them are still obtainable in one playthrough and thus, provide an extra challenge for this Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough. With all Mass Effect 3 DLC included in the Legendary Edition, we will also attempt to unlock all available DLC achievements.

Mass Effect 3 is a science fiction action role-playing game developed by BioWare. The game was released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, WiiU, and Microsoft Windows PCs. Mass Effect 3 is the successor to the first two Mass Effect games and continues to storyline of Commander Shepard in his fight against the Reapers. Compared to the first two games in the trilogy, some gameplay mechanics have once again been changed in Mass Effect 3, including another slight overhaul to the morality system and a more streamlined, action-packed combat experience. Mass Effect 3 has seen the release of several storyline and cosmetic DLC packs that will be featured in this Insanity Walkthrough.

All gameplay for this Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Walkthrough on Insanity difficulty was recorded on PC in 1440p.


26 thoughts on “Citadel Archives: Clone Wars – Mass Effect 3 Insanity Walkthrough Ep. 38 [Legendary Edition]”

  1. Okay, the best part is the space hamster. Shepherd's line about "go for the eyes" is a reference to Baldur's Gate and the character Minsk, who also had a space hamster, whom Minsk would encourage to "go for the eyes".

  2. Part of me kind of, sort of feels bad for the clone. Bred to be disposable body parts and left to die, and how he desperately wanted to be something more. He was still a dick, but seeing how even Traynor wasn't going to try and save him at the end says a lot, especially when Clone Shepard was saying that his "team" was better; it makes you realize he really thought she was on his side.

    Wish you had tried saving him, I feel like the Shepard we know and love wanted to think there was some good in his body double and given him one chance at redemption. Great video Pete.

  3. I never played any of the ME games and just joined this series from half-way. The depth of the characters is insane. I had so many chuckles during this epiosde with all the ambient dialogue. So well done!

  4. Sorry but what shepherd just all of a sudden goes around with a bunch of mercs and no one on the citadel even bats an eye? Little heavy handed. FFS the normandy is just shooting at things on the citadel cmon, I can't with this dlc.

  5. Hey Pete i'm wonders, do you read commentaries ?
    Recently there new game came out, Miasma Chronicles, it's tactical shooter, as x-com, and it's seems and feels very very close to Mutant Year Zero you already completed!
    And considering your walkthrough on Mutan Year Zero was 10/10 complete and full, really enjoyeable, any chances you would look for Miasma Chronicles as well ?


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