Day 204 (Isaiah 31-34)

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23 thoughts on “Day 204 (Isaiah 31-34)”

  1. TLC, even though even though 😂 Na wetin I go still talk be that

    TLC mentioned that not one shall lack her mate referred to the wild beasts of the desert, which I totally agree. At least I'm just reading the full context, maybe it was today it dawned on me because it's definitely not my first time reading that passage of the scripture. And the previous 2 verses expantiated on the context above.

    But we can still use it to pray. If it was the day of the Lord's vengeance and not one shall lack her mate among the wild beast in the desert; why should I as an image of God lack my mate?

    It's all scripture and everyone is liable to different opinions. That being said, it's Sunday. Do enjoy God's presence in the gathering of His people ❤ & 💡

  2. Thank You Lord for given us all things that pertain to life and godliness🙌🏽 We don’t have to manufacture our own righteous and we never could so stop the striving and just follow and abide in, rest in, make your home in, put your confidence in JESUS!!! YOURE WORTHY OF IT ALLLLL!!!!🔥🔥👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  3. I’m praying for that brother that wants to read and be apart of this Bible study, time is short and we need to absorb His word. Thanks for being obedient to God’s calling Thank you team TLC.

  4. Is 32:6-7 sounds more and more like today’s culture that denies God’s character, spreading false teaching, and hurting the poor when they say they’re helping. But Is 32:17 assures is that He will give us a righteousness that provides peace, quiet, and confidence.

  5. Blessed Sunday morning 🌄 bible Family thanking God for the righteousness of Jesus and His shed blood that redeems us and for the precious Holy Spirit that dwells in US have a blessed day in His Presence on today❤❤❤

  6. "Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice" (Isaiah 32:1 ESV). How encouraged this statement is. There will be a "King", whose name is Jesus Christ, that will rule forever in righteousness. The Lord will be gracious to us as we wait for Him. He will be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble (Isaiah 33:2).
    The Lord will be exalted and dwell on high and will fill Zion with justice and righteousness. He will be the stability of our times, abundant in salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the Lord is Zion’s treasure. Fear of the Lord is wisdom and a treasure for us today (Isaiah 33:5‭-‬6). Thank You, Lord! Thank You, King Jesus!

    What a blessing and relief that I don't have to manufacture my own righteousness. God, through Jesus Christ, has made it available to all who are willing to believe! Praise His holy name!

  7. Woo hoo! 130k subscribers! I love how the plan is growing. So Isaiah‬ ‭33‬:‭17 “Your eyes will behold the king in his beauty; they will see a land that stretches afar.”, brings to mind the old song: “We shall see the King, we shall see the King, we shall see the King when He comes. He’s coming in power. All hail the blessed hour. We shall see the King when He comes.”

  8. My mind was blown connecting 34:11 and Genesis 1:2. The Lord will make the earth in the end, as it was in the beginning. That’s the way I interpreted that. Makes me think of our entire purpose for being here, so the Lord can have children who choose Him to dwell with for eternity. It’s always been about that. Absolutely Amazing. 🕊

  9. My God shot is the same about complacent women. Your comments about the fool and scoundrel grabbed my heart. I just watched a specific movie yesterday about sex trafficking. O Father, please protect these and open our eyes and ears. Teach us how to help and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Fill us with the Holy Spirit. Teach us to rest in Your Righteousness and extend Your love, mercy and grace. Thank you for Tara! Amen

  10. I love that in 33:6 it says HE will be the sure foundation for your times. In a world where everything — even good things — seem conditional & shaky, how good to know that HE is the SURE FOUNDATION! HE never changes – HE is always where the joy is!! 💜

  11. God's righteousness will produce peace, which brings about quietness and confidence always.

    "No one living in Zion will say, 'I am ill'; and the sins of those who dwell there will be forgiven." God will bring about physical and spititual wholeness, and there will be no more brokenness. How comforting to look with hope to this day.

  12. Though Isaiah speaks of Judah (God's people and the lineage of the Davidic kings and Christ) and Jerusalem (Zion), it is applicable to God's work in every kingdom and people-group then and now. God's written Word, the Torah, familial history, and prophets which includes Isaiah is relevant for all. It reveals the nature of human kind, and the fallacy of directing ones own path to a prosperous life (as individuals and as a nation/kingdom). Excluding God Yehovah out of any approach to life leads away from true security and joy. Solomon identifies this in his consecration of the temple (1 Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 6). God is bigger than a manmade structure and city (the Temple and Jerusalem/Zion) AND God loves all people-groups, especially those who humbly seek Him and strive to serve Him. Solomon's prayer is inclusive of sojourners who would follow Yehovah. Did anyone else identify this passage with current events happening today:
    "For fools speak folly,

    their hearts are bent on evil:

    They practice ungodliness

    and spread error concerning the Lord;

    the hungry they leave empty

    and from the thirsty they withhold water.

    Scoundrels use wicked methods,

    they make up evil schemes

    to destroy the poor with lies,

    even when the plea of the needy is just.

    But the noble make noble plans,

    and by noble deeds they stand" (Isaiah 32:6-8)? Rejection of God during Isaiah's time looks very similar to the rejection of God in the 21st century AD. God will not be mocked, "He will be the sure foundation for your times,

    a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;

    the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure" (Isaiah 33:6).

  13. God brings us righteousness and we receive peace and grace. Thank Tou God for the Holy Spirit; HS, thank you for your healing, your guidance, your teaching and your wisdom to grow me. Amen hallelujah 🙏

  14. But this is what the Lord has told me: “When a strong young lion stands growling over a sheep it has killed, it is not frightened by the shouts and noise of a whole crowd of shepherds. In the same way, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will come down and fight on Mount Zion.

    Isaiah 31:4 NLT

    Look, a righteous king is coming! And honest princes will rule under him.

    Isaiah 32:1 NLT

    But Lord, be merciful to us, for we have waited for you. Be our strong arm each day and our salvation in times of trouble.
    Isaiah 33:2 NLT

  15. Tara-Leigh, I just want you to know (since you can’t see/hear our reactions to your videos) that I love when you make little jokes, like “the owl bit” today! I appreciate your humor and you always make the videos fun and interesting, no matter the topic. Just know I am out here laughing and/or crying right along with you!!


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