Chris Bowen’s fuel efficiency standards will adjust the ‘cars you can buy’

Nationals Senator Matt Canavan says Chris Bowen’s fuel efficiency standards is to “adjust” the cars that manufacturers sell.

Mr Canavan told Sky News host Paul Murray that it would adjust the “cars you can buy”.

“That’s exactly what this scheme is all about.

“They don’t like that Australians like to buy Utes.

“They get a little bit sick about that.”


28 thoughts on “Chris Bowen’s fuel efficiency standards will adjust the ‘cars you can buy’”

  1. I’ve got news for you guys (apparently) CO2 isn’t a pollutant it’s an inert gas and important part of our atmosphere and lots of unbiased scientists admit it’s NOT causing the climate to warm.Also I’m driving a 2011 Lincoln Towncar with 780,000 kilometres on it .I paid $1500 (Canadian) 4 years ago.It’s still not clapped out (I’ve never owned a new car!)It uses no oil!And my limp wristed prime minister who’s never had a real job ( like your “Lord” mayor and and PM and mini koala bear environmentalist wacko environment minister wants you buy a new EV or better yet -they want you to take a bus!

  2. Our market isn't big enough to dictate to car manufacturers. It will just ban many models and dive prices way up. No doubt Bowne has brown paper bag waiting for him from Byd in China when he retires.

  3. Here’s the thing that no one’s picked up on. When these new standards come in are current fuel is not to the standard and guess what we will be paying more for petrol so you won’t be saving a$1.000.

  4. Ford Angers and all #wankpanzers like them should be banned from all urban areas. They're farm vehicles, and they should stay on the farm. 'Double cab ute' = dick substitute for arrogant sociopaths who don't care how much danger they inflict on everyone on the roads around them.

  5. I live in regional Qld and love camping in remote areas for weeks at a time. Haven't seen a mix master that can go further than 450Klm/Per charge and you have to drive like gramma to get 450 I haven't seen any charging stations on the way to my favorite camping spot. So if I went EV I would have to take the Generator and Unleaded Petrol with me ?.

  6. Labor coppycats, cant think for themselves, let alone for the people our country.
    Like our non existent COST OF LIVING.
    It's our own politicians that create poverty & inflation, corrupt kickbacks from big business both local & foreign in the form of donations, Colesworths have both donated millions to this government, I choose to call it corruption, that's why there's no Royal Commissions under Labor.

  7. EV's will die a slow death. $1000 a year saving is a lie for real life use. Fast charging costs as much as petrol. Charging at home is coal fired but cheaper. The fastest you can charge your car at home by coal is 7.5kw about 30 amps on domestic supplies, and you need some serious upgrades to your home electricity to do this. if you want your car green powered from your 5kW solar system only it will take DAYS to charge it from empty. If you take that $1000 dollar lie even further consider the losses you have on resale which will be 10's of thousands over the short life of your car. Plus hiked insurance and praying your house does not burn down while your charging this world saving car.

  8. Its control using coercion the same as they did with the jab that they didn’t mandate, these cars are all imported how is it possible that they don’t meet the requirements from the countries that we import them from including America. Something doesn’t add e.

  9. Excellent Work Chris Bowen. We all want corrupt Labor out of power. You just ensured it. EV catching fire world wide from thermal runaway , when the first life is lost this guy and all of Labor should be up on charges. Incompetent handling of AUKUS , The Pandemic Treaty in May 2024 ( who doesn’t want more lock downs !) , YES Vote , Gutting our Tax concessions . Digital Currency in the face of endless hacking of OPTUS and MEDIBANK ( and other hacks that they hide), Climate Change ( used to be Global warming) costing us $billions while China , India and USA pollute the planet with no penalty and we get bankrupted. Another nail in the Labor coffin. Albo only got into power because of tampering with the Independent Vote System, but I bet they try to change leaders before next election.

  10. When we get rid of Bowen can we please get rid of Nicholas Reece too He’s always defending Albo Bowen etc they’re fools What’s that make Reece Honestly Paul we turn off every time you have him on Spoils the show 😩😩


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