Chinese businessmen spent $20 million to repurchase and revive the Varyag aircraft carrier.

Chinese businessman Xu Zengping bought the “Varyag” aircraft carrier for $20 million at an auction in 1998. Initially claiming it was for entertainment purposes, Xu transferred the carrier to the Chinese government, causing criticism from Western countries. However, in China, he was hailed as a national hero. The “Varyag” was a semi-finished carrier from the Soviet Union, and Ukraine decided to sell it due to financial constraints. China saw its value and the opportunity to shorten its own carrier construction time. Xu Zengping, a successful businessman, emerged as a potential buyer and eventually purchased the carrier. Xu’s patriotic spirit and business acumen contributed to China’s acquisition of the carrier, making him a significant figure in Chinese history.


29 thoughts on “Chinese businessmen spent $20 million to repurchase and revive the Varyag aircraft carrier.”

  1. Project Objective: obtaining a half built aricraft carrier with its bluue print.
    Constraints: $20M. Time: before unfriendly forces fully aware & in hostile environment.
    Project Closure: Delivered the A.C with its blueprint in Liaoning
    Project Review: Well Done, Elegantly Excecuted.
    on the other, actually hostile, hand:
    Project Objective: Blocking China obtaining A.C Building Technology.

    Constraint: budget: freely printed money, time: as long as necessary, all means are ok.
    Project Closure:Failed.
    Project Review: Lousy Performance, poor communication, ignorant leadership

  2. Very interesting story. A lot of content that is missing about China's 1st air Craft Carrier. Although it would have been nice to know if China paid back Xu for his patriotic efforts. Like covering some of the expenses accured from interference by Turkey. Because it was over 20 million after the fact from all of the interference. If it were me who did as Xu did. I would also have done as he did. No matter the cost. I would do it even though I am not Chinese. At least in the contemporary days after learning of all the malicious malfeasance done to China and the Global South. I hate the Imperialist West, and the ruling elite criminals who run the West. I would help in real ways the Palestinians and all the others who are under the yoke of the imperialist West..i unfortunately do not have any resources to contribute. Hell, I can barely help myself right now.

  3. After this basically empty Rusty bucket was towed back to China, the Naval Engineers didn't know where to start.
    The task to reconstruct this Aircraft Carrier is almost imposaible and immense. They have NO experience.
    So it took them 11 years figuring out what and how to do it?
    Vayvag was eventually designated into a TRAINING Aircraft Carrier. It still is. 🤔

  4. Japan was the first country to develop an aircraft carrier.
    A Japanese carrier, the Hosyo, which entered service in December 1922, was the first carrier designed as such from the keel up.

    Hōshō (鳳翔, literally "phoenix flying") was the world's first commissioned ship that was built as an aircraft carrier, and the first aircraft carrier of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN).

    However, the British navy developed the first true aircraft carrier with an unobstructed flight deck, the HMS Argus, which was built on a converted merchant-ship hull.

    As for advanced aircraft carriers which use electromagnetic catapult technology to launch aircrafts, only two countries have them. They are the US and China.

    The catapults of China's Fujian aircraft carrier are powered by electromagnets that will allow planes to be launched more frequently and with more fuel and munitions. The United States is the only other country with aircraft carriers equipped with electromagnetic catapult launching facilities. The US was the first country to develop electromagnetic catapult launching technology.

    The US is the leading country in aircraft carrier technology followed by China who is in second spot.

  5. @3:49, Wrong. Good try twisting the facts. Russia’s first completed aircraft carrier, the Varyag, had a troublesome service history — as expected from a very complex vessel. As the first aircraft carrier the Varyag provided design experience and training to the Russian naval architects and Russian Navy, respectively. The subsequent carrier , Knuzetov , addressed many of the short comings of the Varyag — some deficiencies still remain. Both are not “heavy aircraft carriers,” contrary to the video’s claim, and certainly not in the same league as the US Navy’s Kitty Hawk class of aircraft carrier first introduced in the ‘60s. The major differences : Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier displaces 80,000 to 85,000 tons, equipped with 3 steam catapults. The Varyag or Knuzetov each displaces nearly 70,000 tons, equipped with ski jump instead of steam catapult. The Kitty Hawk deploys nearly 80 aircrafts whereas the Varyag and Knuzetov each carries about 24 aircrafts. Finally, the Russia never built the nuke carrier Ulyanovsk.

    CNMega is a made-in-USA propaganda machine plagued with errors, and quality control problem as in the Varyag. CNMega has no credibility, no researchers, and no shame.

    CNMega is a made-in-USA propaganda machine —- albeit a disgraceful inept one.

  6. Wow!!! That is fascinating! What a remarkable, loyal, and dedicated patriot he is. I hope there is a suitable memorial to his outstanding achievement. Yet, despite the Ukrainians, the US, and Turkey all causing problems, Xu Zengping, has shown true determination and grit, not forgetting the love of his Motherland, so that China could quickly start on the long road to excellence in naval aviation. In the West we don't have people of such calibre as Xu, but you all probably knew that.


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