China's High Speed Rail is Deadly

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The harsh reality behind china’s High speed rail…

C-milk’s video debunking the whole USA vs China nonsense:

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45 thoughts on “China's High Speed Rail is Deadly”

  1. The purpose of public transport system is not to make profit, it is a public service. Since they want the train to be used, they adjusted the prices to make it more affordable. That's not a bad policy.
    But yeah chinese crowd is something, noise and smoke and everything else.. These inconvenients have however nothing to do with the train itself, it is in the local culture. Most people are very nice, but some are obnoxious too….

  2. You can't compare USA to China we have something called freedom…freedom to get messed up out of your mind and live wild…or do any other more constructive thing you want.
    FREEDOM, oh, and plus, we have guns and they say it like a bad thing 😅 😮

  3. This guy aged like a cup of milk over the years: from a curious handsome traveling young man to a resentful but still partial-truth teller to now a sheer liar ojisan. What happened to you other than time?!

  4. I believe u used to live in China now u seem to he working for the CIA to spread negativity. Go to Kengsinton USA and see the tragic story. More than a billion people. U search and u will find something negative. It's easy, of course. u can easily do that in the US.

  5. This is such obvious shock propaganda BS it's gross. How the average person can't deduce that this is a one-sided false representation cherry picking bad situations and presenting them as the norm makes me sad. Go lie to someone else, I can't stand the smell of your ugly attempt to make money on fear.

  6. Usually like your videos. But, this is a gross misrepresentation! Yes, During Spring Festival you can experience crowds like that and speaking LOUDLY is a problem but in general taking a high speed train is cheaper, faster and more convenient than driving a car.

  7. What exactly is the point of making a video like this? "China has problems, so WE (in the West) all can feel better"? If such an attitude is observed between individuals, this is called – depending on the flavour you want to give it: jealousy, resentment, distrust, malevolence, enviousness… a really convincing emotional stance to blast around in a YouTube video!

  8. As a railway enthusiast with a particular passion for high-speed rail, seeing the decimated Velaro-like cab at 02:40 caused me to collapse to the floor in floods of tears. I know people who drive for ReNFE, DBAG and Eurostar (All of which use the Velaro platform) and the very image of that sort of incident is enough to completely destabilise somebody in my position. 😭😭😭

    Beyond a thousand thumbs-up to the dispatcher who pulled that girl back from the platform when she tried to jump, I really haven't a clue what to say. I'm so lost for words my mouth has gone dryer than the Nevada desert… 🏜

    (But one thing I can say is Thanks for the pointer to C-🥛s fact-check. Somebody quoted those false wage figures to me the other day, so now trying to work out whether they were trolling me, or whether the Chіnеsе Gоvt were trolling the both of us! 🙃)

  9. This….just makes me love Japan more. China and Japan's trains are like night and day. Holy cow. But how does a train system, that is THAT busy, stay in the red?? Are the higher ups just grabbing all the money again?

  10. God, I would of thought the one big advantage of living in a non democracy police surveillance state is big government thugs to do away with beggers and antisocial a-holes with their stinky feet on the seats. Guess not.


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