Xi in France, IDF in Rafah

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The long-awaited attack on Rafah has begun, with Netanyahu vowing to finish the job. At the same time, Xi Jinping is in Paris, to meet with Macron. Is it possible a renewed peace initiative may result? A move in that direction might be aided by listening to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, which premiered in Vienna 200 years ago, with Beethoven as a co-conductor. Beethoven’s masterful setting of Schiller’s “Ode to Joy” is dedicated to the idea of universal brotherhood of all mankind, a theme desperately needed to counter the drive to World War III today.

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12 thoughts on “Xi in France, IDF in Rafah”

  1. Do you really think cooperation between these two geopolitical groups is possible? it seems like there's no reason for either to have good will and want anything other than total capitulation.


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