China’s Change 6 Has BIGGER Space Missions Than US Thinks

By now, we’re all aware that China’s Chang’e-6 mission represents a revolutionary endeavor in space exploration, marking a significant leap in the nation’s ambitious plans for lunar exploration. But what if we told you that this mission is just the beginning of China’s grand vision for space exploration? Because the country has laid out an ambitious roadmap that extends beyond the Moon, targeting Mars, asteroids, and even the outer planets. China is ambitious, to say the least and we couldn’t be more excited.

Today’s episode will uncover how the China’s recent revolutionary mission, the Chang’e 6 is only a tip of China’s ambitions for space travel and solar system.

#china #chinanews #chinaspace #chinaspacestation

00:00 – Intro
01:01 – Chang’e 6 is Revolutionary!
03:20 – Why The Importance?
05:12 – China is Ambitious.. Very Ambitious!


40 thoughts on “China’s Change 6 Has BIGGER Space Missions Than US Thinks”

  1. In 1969, I was a 11 yrs old boy watching the Apollo s moon landing mission, all we heard in those days about outer space were America, who would expect nowadays Chinese have taken over the world in space missions by far, a good leaders can bring better lives for people , bad leaders will destroy their own countries.. !!

  2. Why does the U.S. always think in terms of competition? Why not cooperate with China? Why treat China's success as a threat? / Trying to keep its status as number one will just hasten its demise. Empires come and go. Sic transit gloria mundi.

  3. WHEN you spend all your time and money on wars ,countries like China use there money and tech and on something use full ,they all ready found away to grow food on there space station so now they have a food source i guess China will own the moon one day. OH did anyone notice that China did not need the USA to get there 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  4. China genuinely achieves its goals, like Nike's "Just Do It," whereas the USA faked its lunar landing in a Hollywood studio, which is why the Chinese found no trace of an American visit to the moon.

  5. Given the fact that USA is always pointing to themselves as technology leaders and people are stealing their technologies; it is very necessary to be the first and show the world that it is not a stolen technology

  6. The far side of the moon (the side not facing the earth) is only dark some of the time. When the near side of the moon (the side facing the earth) is bright, the far side is dark and vice-versa, the far side is bright when the near side is dark.

  7. To reduce the cost of its sample return missions, I think china should design the sample return module to dock with its space station, drop off its samples, then be refueled to return to the moon to pick up more samples from the moon for further testing. The same thing could be done with the mars sample return missions.

  8. Not only Cn, even me if I have to manage "a moon mission" of course I will "accomodate as much as possible missions" on it.
    That's why I don't believe human had landed on the moon 50 yrs ago… 😊😊😂😂😂

  9. China has come a long way and has been making steady progress in its space program.

    China will carry out three Chang'e lunar probe missions within next four years and the basic form of the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) the international moon base project currently led by the China National Space Administration and Russia's ROSCOSMOS, is expected to be completed before 2035. 

    Chang'e 6 is a planned robotic Chinese and Pakistani lunar exploration.

    The mission will also include international scientific payloads from France, Sweden, Italy, and a Pakistani cubesat. The collaborations reflect Chinese efforts to boost its international cooperation in space exploration. 

    12 countries and organizations express willingness to deepen space cooperation before Chang’e-6 launch

    Around 50 guests from 12 countries’ space agencies including Pakistan, France, and Italy, as well as representatives from the United Nations and the European Space Agency expressed willingness to seek cooperation with China in lunar and deep space exploration.

    The Chang’e-6 mission will carry a number of international payloads to the Moon, including the European Space Agency's lunar surface ion analyzer, France's radon detection instrument, Italy's laser corner reflector, and a CubeSat from Pakistan. 

    The participants expressed willingness to seek new cooperation in lunar and deep space exploration with China. 

    China is willing to work with more countries to expand human knowledge on space, enhance the well-being of all human kind, and serve the advancement of human civilization.

    Chang'e-6 mission is to collect sampling soil and return from the lunar far side.

    Chang'e-7 is scheduled for launch around 2026 to conduct environmental and resource surveys at the lunar south pole.

    Chang'e-8 is planned for launch around 2028 to conduct in-situ resource utilization experiments on the moon.

    By 2035, the basic version will be completed, centered around the lunar south pole, with comprehensive scientific facilities equipped with basic functions and elements, conducting regular scientific experiments and a certain scale of resource development and utilization. 

    By 2045, the expanded version will be completed, with the lunar orbit station as the hub, featuring fully equipped and substantially scaled facilities, stable operations, while conducting comprehensive scientific research on the moon and in-depth resource development and utilization, and conducting technical verification and scientific experiments related to a manned mission to Mars.

    The ILRS consists of lunar surface, lunar orbit, and ground segments, comprising infrastructure such as energy and power systems, command and information systems, and lunar transportation systems, with functions including energy supply, central control, communication and navigation, lunar-earth transportation, and lunar surface research, enabling long-term and sustained scientific exploration, resource development, and technology verification across multiple disciplines and objectives.

    The ILRS, initiated by China and Russia, is being jointly developed and constructed by multiple countries, with long-term autonomous operation on the lunar surface and in lunar orbit, with short-term human participation, as an expandable, maintainable comprehensive scientific experimental facility. 

    China also has begun planning the construction of the world's first Mars sample laboratory and is also deepening the feasibility study of the Tianwen-4 mission, aiming for the exploration of Jupiter and its moons, followed by the arrival at Uranus.

    China plans to launch a new type of propulsion spacecraft, reaching the boundary of the solar system at 80-100 astronomical units (AU), conducting scientific exploration in the distant, dark, and cold unknown regions, aiming to establish new milestones in humanity's understanding of the universe.

    Well done.

  10. China is not allowed to land on the moon because the US has passed a law to ban China from the moon. If it does, the US will punish China with more sanctions. Tge first sanction will be to prevent the moon from exerting any gravitational influence on the seas around China. Next, all phases of the moon will be banned from China. The moon will be switched off at night over China….

  11. Don't expect China to share with NASA again. They shared the moon rocks with Nasa recently, the usual thankless US replayed China with Nasa attacking China

  12. Everything that is not according to the wishes of the West is a threat. It is about time the West should stop the "holier-than-thou" attitude by first looking at "the man in the mirror".

  13. The AI voice is so familiar and this video is obviously AI generated propaganda, how about superior chinese building construction with tofu concrete, no westener would ever buy an apartment in China and the comments are hilarious.

  14. New "space race?" Between who, what? The Anglo-American financial system is bankrupt. They build bombs not space craft. The US economy as it is today is pathetic compared to Chinas. Its embarrassing. This is why the Anglo-American establishment needs desperately to convince America that China is the threat and not themselves.


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