CHINA vs US: Tariffs war

Chinaโ€™s economic transformation began in the late 20th century, but it has accelerated remarkably in the past two decades. From 2000 to 2020, Chinaโ€™s GDP grew from approximately $1.2 trillion to over $14 trillion, making it the second-largest economy in the world. This growth was driven by significant advancements in industrial production, which saw China becoming the โ€œworldโ€™s factory.โ€ By 2021, China accounted for nearly 30% of global manufacturing output, surpassing the United States.
Chinaโ€™s progress in science and technology has been equally impressive, positioning the country as a leader in several high-tech sectors. In telecommunications, Huawei has become one of the worldโ€™s leading providers of telecommunications equipment and smartphones, and China leads in 5G technology with over 1.15 million 5G base stations by the end of 2021, accounting for about 70% of the global total.

In artificial intelligence, China is heavily investing with the goal of becoming the global leader by 2030. The governmentโ€™s numerous AI development programs have resulted in significant advancements in AI research and applications.

China has also made significant strides in space exploration. The China National Space Administration (CNSA) has launched several successful missions, including the Changโ€™e lunar exploration program and the Tianwen-1 Mars mission. In 2021, China successfully landed its Zhurong rover on Mars, making it only the second country to do so after the United States.

In renewable energy, China is the largest producer of solar panels and wind turbines globally, leading the charge in renewable energy adoption. As of 2021, China accounted for about 36% of the worldโ€™s renewable energy capacity.

Chinaโ€™s rapid rise has positioned it as a key rival to Western countries, particularly the United States and the European Union, spanning economic, technological, and geopolitical domains. The trade war between the US and China, initiated in 2018, highlights economic tensions, with both countries imposing tariffs on each other. Concerns over Chinaโ€™s technological advancements, particularly in telecommunications and AI, have led the US to restrict Chinese tech companies like Huawei from accessing key technologies and markets. Additionally, Chinaโ€™s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched in 2013, aims to enhance global trade and economic growth through massive infrastructure investments, which Western countries view with suspicion as a means for China to expand its geopolitical influence.
In this video, we will explore the limitations imposed by the West on China and the subsequent retaliatory measures taken by China.


34 thoughts on “CHINA vs US: Tariffs war”

  1. The EU, USA, UK can only suck the Chinese C…k they are not in position to demand or be able to heart China but China can collapse their economy any time they want . Interesting how the losers have demands the same like Ukraine pushed by the same losers wants Russia to capitulate despite that the war is won by the Russian , completely delusional psychopaths

  2. What a disappointingly weak response. China is increasing tariffs on large-engine vehicles and agriculture from the USA, and on wine and diary from Europe. That's it? C'mon China – time to kick it up a few notches and fight back.

  3. China provides subsidies from their coffers to grow potential winners, meanwhile US uses citizens taxes to bail out losers who eventually fails again and then reward their management with huge bonuses and promotion….lol

  4. Lets be honest about this (?)
    The Origin if the current situation?
    "The West" (Mainly USA?) decided decades ago to try and exploit cheap labor in Asia.
    Their (our) aim?
    To make components for existing products, or the final products, at much lower cost, then sell at the "old" price in the home market, thus capitalisting on not just China , but the home consumer(!)
    ("Capitalism for the win!!")
    "We" work on a 4- 5 year political cycle, with 25% of that time spent bickering and/ or dismantling the work of "the other guys", hence, no cohesive long term planning.
    Saw an opportunity (who can really blame them?)
    Multi-decade plan.
    Now, we see the results.
    "Cheap/ Subsidies"?
    Chinese generally earn less than a western worker….
    BUT, What is the ratio of wage to cost of living?
    What's the "Quality of life"?
    All indications suggest they can, as a FULL population, do more with their lower wage..
    I've been watching the recent "Westerner in China" youtube reports.
    Nothing short of amazing.
    "We" in the West should be ashamed.
    "IP theft"?
    Well, if there "was", it was nothing that Western countries wouldn't do to them if situations were reversed.
    But now?
    They must be laughing out loud at "us" applying sanctions on technology and products that not only we can't produce profitably (with one exception) but that need both raw materials and technology FROM China because we SLEPT for 20 years.
    They arr literally BETTER than we are.
    Think that through,
    We are preventing the products and technology coming to our shores which MIGHT allow us to become competitive!
    Why did we "sleep"?
    To a great extent, Bribery…. There's no other way to describe it.
    The "incumbent industries" persuaded politicians to maitian the status quo.
    The final irony?
    Just about tne only Western Company (now group) which formulated and published(!) a SIMILAR plan has suffered similar "Push Back", being obstructed and delayed wherever possible….
    You couldn't make it up !!

  5. Bring it on! China no longer needs tolerate U.S. highhandedness. The economic growth of 5.2% versus 1.3% in 2023 and an expected 5% versus 2.5% in 2024 already showed the winner apart from the loser. And it was really pathetic when Joe Biden still babbled on television about the coming collapse of the Chinese economy predicted by many American China haters.

  6. Now the G7 has come up with a new imagination-based accusation with no evidence that China is aiding Russia in its war effort. Meanwhile, they gjve themselves the rights to pour billions of dollars of military weapons into Ukraine when they should be ending the war with Ukraine on the verge of total defeat. Such hypocrites.

  7. China was a first mover in green energy expansion and deserves props for that. But with the collapse of their real estate industry it's just a matter of time before they follow Japan's path of economic decline once the Japanese bubble popped.


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