Child lying in bed killed during drive-by shooting in Houston area

A 7-year-old boy was shot and killed while lying in his bed in east Harris County late Sunday night, according to the sheriff’s office.


36 thoughts on “Child lying in bed killed during drive-by shooting in Houston area”

  1. So why do you want somebody to report what they know they’ll probably get on a terrorist watch list and if they catch the person who did the shooting they will probably get released from jail without having to pay any bail. But it’s all good they can spend the money that would go to cops on big mansions in ritzy neighborhoods and all will be good in the world

  2. I'd bet the gun used wasn't legal, wasn't owned by a law abiding citizen. But instead of trying to find a solution to deal with the criminals and their illegal firearms, the left just pushes for more gun control and bans and none of that is doing anything to stop these drive by shootings and inner city gang activity. The criminals aren't going to abide by these new laws anymore than they abide by other laws. It's common sense. And then the leftist idiots do all they can to restrict police action and defund the police. What do these leftist morons think is going to happen when there's less of a police presence? When the criminals know that even if they are arrested, this soft-on-crime BS legal nonsense the democrats have implemented in their cities will guarantee they get released on low bail and serve less time when convicted. You don't legitimize criminal activity and then expect the crime rate to magically drop. That's just stupid.

  3. Does a politician, celebrity, athlete, special interest group or big corporation have to tell you that the guns have always been here so it has to be something else a root cause that has these young people acting out in very destructive ways. But that would make too much sense now would it?

  4. Many children and adults should be wearing protective vests when they sleep, or anything that protects them from stray bullets. SMEs…../../../.././../../attested by private and public sectors as precautionary measures. 2022 onwards.


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