Charlie Crist holds Rally in Miami for a Big Announcement.


17 thoughts on “Charlie Crist holds Rally in Miami for a Big Announcement.”

  1. 💙Your Freedom is under attack by the GOP.
    * Criminalizing women & doctors
    * Banning books
    * Restricting speech
    * Attacks on Fed agents & Capitol
    * Making it harder to vote
    * Our democracy
    Vote Blue in 2022
    Don’t let them take your freedom💙

  2. Let me guess: The announcement is that CC is changing his gender in solidarity with his taking the complete opposite stance on so many issues. No one can trust this guy.

  3. Im definitely not a republican or a dem. Charlie Crist, I DO NOT believe in you as an authentic part of justice in this country. You are merely a former republican and you cant go far enough left for me to except you. Unfortunately i live in Florida and will have to vote for you over Desantis for so many reasons. All of which speak less of him than more of you. There is no way you can actually be a candidate of the people. You are just another stain of sh*t like all the other politicians. But, yeh, you get my vote so I guess that works out perfect for you and not necessarily for the rest of us. It simply gets rid of desantis. I dont know Hernandez so cant comment there.

  4. This laughing stock needs to get a grip on reality. Nobody wants you here crist. We don’t need you turning Florida into another New York. Biden has ruined the rest of the country and all you do is praise him. Go away.

  5. You WON’T get votes – just as you wish. 500-600 views each video?!?! LoloL. Hahaha. I call us “WISER” than the dipshits who willingly allowed themselves to be poisoned. Look at the stats for excessive heart illnesses due to vax. The same dipshits also voted in a pedophile in office who took “inappropriate” showers with his daughter when she was very young. Why do you think WE should trust anyone lefthole leaners with anything. Look how stupid they are.


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